VTB 24 is the largest Russian bank with branches and offices almost all over the world. Such geography imposes a great responsibility on the standards of customer service of the bank. And the possibility of round-the-clock telephone access to service services is one of such indicators.

Like any VTB24 bank and its structural subdivisions, they have a round-the-clock telephone number to which calls are received from the bank's clients. You can call 8 (800) 100-24-24 from anywhere in Russia for free and get advice on a matter of interest. Yes, sometimes it takes a long time to wait until the operator is free. To speed up the process, dial additional digits for your extension numbers. If you have a question about a bank card, press one. Those interested in mortgage programs should press number two, and for questions on other types of lending - three. If you have a deposit, an account in the bank, or you just want to open one, if you have difficulties with the Internet bank, press four. The operator will help you find offices, ATMs and bank branches if you switch to tone mode by pressing the number five. Call center operators will also answer your questions in connection with the merger of VTB Bank and VTB24 and the corresponding change of accounts. To do this, dial six of your internal telephone. It is more convenient for residents of Moscow to call directly to the bank's Moscow number 8 (495) 777-24-24. All subsequent actions with the choice of an internal phone are absolutely identical.
If you do not want to sit with the phone and wait for communication with the operator, you can make an online call from the site. Make sure that your computer supports this feature, find the headphone icon on the right side of the VTB Bank official website and follow the further instructions.
Another option for those who do not want to wait is to order a call back. On the bank's website, you can leave your phone number and you will definitely be called back. This is not to say that this communication option will be faster, but during the working day you will receive an answer to your question.
If the question is not urgent, you can ask it directly on the website and receive an answer from the bank to your e-mail also during the working day. All these services are in the site menu on the right side.
After examining the bank's website, at the very bottom, along with contact numbers, you can find a feedback service - "customer care service". There, in a special form, you can ask a question of interest or leave a review. And you can get an answer by the form of communication you have chosen - by e-mail or by phone.
If you have to frequently carry out transactions through VTB Bank, it makes sense to install the application on your mobile phone. Then you do not have to often contact the call center, and solve all your questions online through an operator at a convenient time for you.
For those who know the value of time and money, you can order individual banking services - private banking, where a round-the-clock number is added to the standard package of services, to which the operator answers immediately and you do not have to waste time waiting for a conversation.
VTB Bank also does not disregard persons with disabilities. Hearing impaired people can get advice from a call center operator on all questions that have arisen through SMS replies. To do this, you must find the menu for persons with disabilities on the official website of the bank on the main page and follow the instructions of the system.