What To Do If Money Remains In A Sberbank ATM

What To Do If Money Remains In A Sberbank ATM
What To Do If Money Remains In A Sberbank ATM

Top up your account with cash - it would seem that there is nothing easier. You need to go to a bank or supermarket with an ATM. Then press a few buttons on the monitor of the device, put the money in the bill acceptor and wait for the balance to be refilled. But what if there was a failure and the ATM "ate" the money? Say goodbye to money or can the problem be somehow solved?

ATM and money
ATM and money

What to do at the very beginning

If the ATM that "ate" the money is located on the territory of the bank, then you need to immediately contact the employees servicing the device. The representative of the bank will accept the claim in writing, indicate the terms of consideration of the issue.

If the situation when the ATM “chewed” the money (you tried to pay for the service without using a card, in cash), occurred in a place remote from the bank, for example, in a supermarket, then there is no need to panic. You should immediately call the hotline (24-hour support number 900 or 88005555550).

Call to the operator

The operator needs to provide detailed information: the time of the unsuccessful operation, the ATM number. For example, you wanted to make a top-up of your mobile phone and the operation failed, as a result of which the money did not reach the account and did not return back. In this case, when contacting the operator, it is imperative to dictate the phone number to which you would like to deposit money, so that the bank employees can check whether the operation was really not completed.

Enter your last name, first name and patronymic. If you have a card of this bank, please indicate this information as well. In the future, the money will be returned to the card that belongs to the applicant.

Specify as much information as possible on the problem

If the information is not presented in full and if any important detail is missed, then the time for considering the claim will increase. The average term is about a week, so a more prompt consideration is in the interests of the citizen. The bank employee will certainly notify about the results of the request via SMS, but the content of the response may not satisfy the client.

SMS specialist response
SMS specialist response

Contacting the bank

Most likely, in order to solve the problem, you will still have to contact the bank. Be sure to take your passport with you, as identification of the applicant will be required. If you forget your passport at home, the bank employees have the right to refuse to resolve this issue. The bank employee will check if there are bank accounts, again, only if there is an identity document. If you are a client of a banking institution, then the money will be returned to you exactly on the card, otherwise the amount identical to the one that could not be paid at the ATM will be transferred to the mobile phone account.

Responding to a client's request
Responding to a client's request

How to get money back "eaten" by an ATM?

So, what actions need to be taken in order for the situation to be decided in your favor?

  1. Immediately contact the customer support service of the bank (by number 900 or 88005555550), state the essence of the problem orally or contact the ATM service staff;
  2. Indicate the serial number of the ATM, the address of the device location, the exact time of the failure in the system;
  3. Provide the name of the service that you tried to receive (if it is a payment for communication means, then you should provide a phone number);
  4. Introduce yourself to the operator, if you are applying by phone, provide passport details;
  5. Provide contact information, where, in case of additional questions, Sberbank employees could call.


It is imperative to remember the time (to the nearest minute) when the ATM “chewed” the money. You will need this when filing a claim. Daily collection of funds will show the surplus, and additional information (date and time of the failed operation) will shorten the search for the lost amount.
