The central bank is actively getting rid of problem banks. Therefore, you need to carefully choose where to open a deposit or take a loan.

Who can get hurt
Anyone who opens a deposit or takes a loan from a troubled bank. After all, the state guarantees, in the event of a bank bankruptcy, the return of a deposit in the amount of only up to 700 thousand rubles, including interest. Therefore, it is better to immediately entrust the funds to a reliable bank than to beat the thresholds later, trying to return your hard-earned money.
As for loans, the problem is different. If the bank where you borrowed is closed, the loans issued to them will be transferred to another financial institution. She has no right to change the terms of your loan agreement, but figuring out who and how you should pay can sometimes take weeks. And during this time, debt can form.
It is also dangerous to transfer money through such a bank. If the bank's activities are closed shortly after the transfer, the funds may simply not reach the addressee.
Problem bank
Abnormal situation at the bank branch
If you see poorly organized work in your bank: huge queues, rudeness and inattention of employees to customers, it is better to say goodbye to this financial institution and give the money to another bank.
Pay attention to the presence of failures in the operation of banking programs and the Internet banking system. Because of this, delays in making payments and returning deposits can often occur. Find out if there is a shortage of rubles or currency at the checkout. This can be understood from the restrictions on the issuance of money and the often not working bank.
Deposit rates
You should be wary if you are offered to open a deposit at too high a percentage. The central bank regularly publishes the average rate that all banks must adhere to. To check how much your bank has exceeded the norm, go to the website of the Central Bank and enter in the search box: weighted average interest rates on deposits of individuals in rubles attracted by credit institutions. An excess of the last rate even by 3% per annum usually means that the bank is in dire need of money.
Read the news
Bank problems can be tracked on the news, and best of all on the internet. Pay attention to the news about conflicts between bank owners and major lawsuits against the bank from government agencies: the Central Bank, Rosfinmonitoring and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Look for news about high-profile scandals involving the management and owners of the bank, about major internal conflicts in banks, about searches in a bank branch, about unscheduled checks by the Central Bank.
Also, the news always informs if the largest rating agencies downgrade the ratings of a bank. And this happens when the bank is in trouble.
The main thing to understand is that bad news has to be regular. One-time negative can be found about any bank, and it says little.