How To Open The Sink

How To Open The Sink
How To Open The Sink

Table of contents:


The number of car owners in large cities is constantly growing, therefore, the demand for services in the field of car cleaning is also growing. This means that washing cars today can generate significant income. True, in order to achieve a positive result, its owner must solve several strategically important issues even before opening the establishment.

How to open the sink
How to open the sink

It is necessary

  • Car wash business plan
  • Plot of land registered in ownership
  • A project agreed in a number of instances
  • Package of permits
  • Building (a typical solution for a car wash is possible)
  • Equipment set
  • Service and administrative staff


Step 1

Draw up a car wash business plan and work out all its details carefully. The demand for car washing and cleaning services is great, and competition in this market is great - it is worth making a strategic miscalculation at this stage, and all efforts will go down the drain. The most important thing is to choose the location and type (in fact, throughput) of the car wash, as well as the range of services that will be provided here.

Step 2

Purchase a land plot in the place that you considered successful (for example, on a major highway not far from the entrance to the city), issue documents for the right to own it. Then get a building permit and equip a car wash here. Today it is not required to obtain a state license for this type of activity, but you need to submit a car wash project for consideration to the city administration, and then coordinate it with a number of permitting organizations (Rospotrebnadzor, traffic police, technical inspections and environmental services).

Step 3

Purchase equipment based on the type and range of services of your establishment. Manual "pressure washers" (the most common in Russia) require simpler equipment, but also more highly paid service personnel. For automatic "portal" washes, more expensive and sophisticated equipment is needed, but less money is spent on wages to employees in an institution equipped in this way, and its throughput is higher.

Step 4

Organize personnel management at your car wash - this link in the work of the establishment is of great importance. Taking into account the specifics of the work, it is worth being prepared for a large "turnover" of personnel - new employees will need to be recruited regularly. Therefore, it is advisable to hire a HR manager (ideally and a part-time accountant) who will deal with the selection of personnel and HR administration.
