During a crisis, some people rapidly become poorer, the financial situation of others does not change, and still others become richer. Few want to be in the first category. Everyone strives to get into the third or at least the second group.

Step 1
Don't give in to general panic. If you constantly think about financial difficulties, then sooner or later they will really begin. It is better to remember more often that the wise Chinese did not in vain compose the hieroglyph "crisis" from two symbols: "danger" and "important moment." It is during hard times that enterprising people make fortunes.
Step 2
Think about your talents and think about how you can apply them. For example, if you love interacting with people, it makes sense to try your hand at network marketing. This decision is supported by two facts. First, during crises, this business is developing especially actively. Secondly, chain companies, as a rule, offer products of high demand - cosmetics, medicines, household chemicals, etc. People will always buy these things. If you love and know how to joke, why not become an author on television. Many humorous programs offer viewers cooperation from time to time. During a crisis, people want to relax, so humor is in demand.
Step 3
Think about your education. There are specialties that are in demand both in good times and in hard times. For example, lawyers, pharmacists, bank workers, etc. By and large, any professional can always make good money. To do this, you need to be flexible and be able to adapt to the situation.
Step 4
Start a blog dedicated to current issues (crisis, politics, money). Come up with a sonorous title for it, for example, "How to Overcome the Crisis." Regularly write articles that are interesting not only to you, but also to other people. Promote your blog. This type of activity may require small material costs, but they will quickly pay off. If you organize your work correctly, you will soon begin to receive tangible income from blogging.