Selling stationery is a profitable and promising business. But there is high competition among firms in this direction, and in order to win the "battle" for a client, you must become a real professional in your field.

Step 1
When organizing the sale of stationery, consider the specifics of these products. Firstly, because of the small size of most office supplies, it is extremely difficult for a first-time buyer to find the necessary product. Therefore, you should speed up and facilitate this process as much as possible. Display large, colorful signs above counters with corresponding graphics of various types of office supplies. This will make it much easier for visitors to navigate.
Step 2
Second, arrange the products so that it is convenient to view and take them. Lay down large and similar goods (file wrappers, notebook covers, printer paper, etc.) that do not need to be carefully examined and studied their functional properties. And put small items (pencils, pens, erasers, scissors, etc.), the quality of which needs to be checked, on the middle and upper shelves.
Step 3
When purchasing stationery, the buyer pays attention primarily not to the appearance of the product, but to its functional properties. Therefore, for a successful trade, provide people with the opportunity to get to know the products better. If you work in a self-service store, place paper stickers next to the counter where the writing materials are. Then each customer will be able to test their favorite pen or pencil and make sure that the chosen model writes.
Step 4
Place the sticky notes near the proofing rack. This will not only help create a comfortable environment for the buyer, but will also significantly reduce the number of claims about the quality of the product. The fact is that, due to the specific chemical properties, correctors made in the form of pens often thicken before use. This makes it difficult to squeeze out the product through the narrow opening, so the corrector does not work. If you give customers the opportunity to try out the selected product, and they come across a defective copy, they will simply choose another.