Sometimes, when replenishing a bank account through an ATM, the terminal malfunctions. In this case, the money is already in the machine, but the check has not been issued. As well as not received and SMS notification of crediting funds to the account. Everyone who faced such a problem asked himself the question of how you can get your money back.

Step 1
The first thing to do is contact the staff serving this ATM. If the ATM that accepted the money and did not issue the check is located in a branch of the bank itself, you must submit a claim in writing at this office. If the ATM is not located on the territory of the bank, there are several options for action.
Step 2
As a rule, most banks accept customer claims and register them by calling the customer support center. Therefore, a visit to the bank is not necessary. But it may happen that the bank accepts complaints only in writing. Then you will have to visit the branch of the bank serving this apparatus and write a statement.
Step 3
A call to the customer support center is necessary in any case. His staff will explain in detail the steps to take when submitting a written complaint. In addition, they will indicate how the money will be returned to the client. Their refund can be made through the bank in cash or by credit to the card. It is easy to find out the number of the bank's customer support center; it is indicated on an ATM or on a bank card.
Step 4
Some bank procedures cannot be expedited, so patience is required. In order to find out that the amount indicated in the claim is actually in the ATM, and it was not credited to the client's account, the bank employees need to collect the device. This procedure is rather lengthy, since ATM cash collection is carried out on specific days and no changes are envisaged.
Step 5
You will have to wait for scheduled cash collection. After that, lists of all ATM transactions performed are checked, as well as other procedures are carried out to investigate the claim. Currently, the procedure for considering such claims is from 5 to 14 days. A faster solution to the problem in favor of the client is also possible.
Step 6
If you replenished your credit account through an ATM, then you will have to re-deposit money in some way. The credit bank may not always show loyalty in this situation and cancel the imposed sanctions for late payment at the end of the consideration of the claim. Especially if the broken ATM belonged to another bank. Therefore, you need to insure yourself and pay off the required amount of the loan.