How To Unblock Sberbank Mobile Bank Via SMS

How To Unblock Sberbank Mobile Bank Via SMS
How To Unblock Sberbank Mobile Bank Via SMS

The mobile banking service is a way to receive banking services and information about the movement of money in the account using SMS or PUSH messages. Notifications about card transactions come from number 900. Various so-called orders can be sent to the same number. For example, transfer money to someone by phone number or show the balance on the card. Also, by sending SMS to this number, you can unblock the mobile bank if it was previously blocked by the client himself.

How to unblock Sberbank mobile bank via SMS
How to unblock Sberbank mobile bank via SMS

Sometimes the mobile banking service turns out to be blocked for some reason - by the bank, for example, due to a lack of money on the card, or performed independently by the client. In any case, to continue working with the Mobile Bank, you need to unblock it. After all, if the mobile bank is blocked, then through it you cannot make money transfers, receive information about the card balance or block a lost card. At the same time, it is worth remembering that a fee for a mobile bank is still charged - from 30 to 60 rubles per month.

There are several ways to unblock a mobile bank - through the Sberbank Online application, a term or an ATM, through a contact center or via SMS.

Unblocking a mobile bank using SMS

To unblock the service using a mobile device, you should send an SMS message with the text "UNBLOCKING SERVICES XXXX 5555" to the short number 900:

- XXXX - the end of your plastic card number;

- and 5555 is the control code.

What is a verification code? When a client fills out a card issue form, he indicates a secret code word. The check code is obtained by encoding the first three characters of the secret phrase. In this case, the numbers remain as they are, the space and punctuation marks are replaced by 0, and each letter corresponds to the numerical value of its ordinal number in the alphabet. That is, the letter A is 1, and I is 33. Accordingly, the control code can have from 3 to 6 characters.

Instead of UNLOCKING SERVICES, you can also write the commands:





- you can get by with a simple digital command code - 05

You will receive a reply SMS with a code to confirm unlocking. After that, you need to send another SMS to number 900, with a confirmation code.

In response, the bank will send you an SMS again: “Visa 1234: included”. Where the digits 1234 are the last digits of the card to which the mobile bank is attached. SMS means that the mobile bank is unlocked.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to remove the restriction for each card separately, if there are several of them. To receive an SMS from Sberbank with information about all your cards, you need to send an SMS to number 900 with the word INFO. You will receive all the information in the reply message.

Unblocking the mobile bank in other ways

Removing the blocking of a mobile bank via SMS does not always give a result. Then you should contact the hotline or use the capabilities of another service - the Sberbank Online application.

If you need to block the mobile bank again, you can also do this using an SMS message to 900.

The text of the message, as well as when unlocking a mobile bank, can be different:






- 04.

A response message will notify you that the command has been completed.

It is important not to be mistaken here - if you send the "BLOCK" command, then the card itself will be blocked.

Blocking and unblocking, connecting and disconnecting the Mobile Bank are free of charge.
