First of all, it is worth starting with eloquent figures that indicate that in recent years there has been a decline in interest in computer games. And this fact may seem strange, but with the current level of development of Internet technologies and the addiction of the young generation to virtual games, the implementation of computer games in our country brought entrepreneurs in 2008 850 million dollars, and in 2009 - 700 million. The decrease in profit by $ 150 million is not insignificant.

This, apparently, suggests that people are gradually getting bored with virtual reality, which began to intensely displace and minimize real relationships. But the desire to play sits deep in every person and does not go away with time. Board games have become an occupation that allows you to enjoy both the plot and communication with your friends and family. They have a large number of fans, and at the same time, the niche of board games on the Russian market is rather poorly developed in our time. Therefore, a wide range of opportunities are open to the game developer.
It should be borne in mind that the creation of such games is not easy and not too cheap. So, for example, the development of the game "Coronation", which is very well known among gamers and based on the book by Boris Akunin, cost the authors 800,000 rubles. Creating your own board always begins with the plot and the development of rules that should be closely related to the main idea.
As for the plot of the game, you can either base it on a ready-made popular novel, having agreed with the author, or make your own game based on the computer version. Or you can try to come up with a plot from scratch. The professionals who can be found on various exchanges on the Internet will help you with this.
However, before that, as in any other case, you need to carefully study the needs and desires of potential players, try to determine who will be interested in your game - children, adolescents, young people or older people. It is necessary to analyze which characters are popular now and which ones have become forgotten. For example, in the old days, Donald Duck and Pokémon were very popular, and now they are gradually replaced by other characters.
Also, when creating your own game, you will need the services of an artist and designer. The first will draw you the game and its characters, and the second will develop the appearance of cards and other attributes. After creating the game, you will only have to find a printing house that will launch your game in circulation.