One Thousand Rubles Will Be Added To The Pensions Of Non-working Pensioners In

One Thousand Rubles Will Be Added To The Pensions Of Non-working Pensioners In
One Thousand Rubles Will Be Added To The Pensions Of Non-working Pensioners In

In fact, there is no law stipulating that in 2019 exactly 1,000 rubles will be added to pensions. But there is a law on changes in pension legislation, signed by the President of the Russian Federation on 03.10.2018, according to which a fixed payment to the insurance old-age pension will be indexed from 01 January 2019.

One thousand rubles will be added to the pensions of non-working pensioners in 2019
One thousand rubles will be added to the pensions of non-working pensioners in 2019

This law provides for an annual increase in pensions from January 2019 to 2024 inclusive, a percentage higher than the inflation rate for the previous year.

Over the past three years, pensions have been increasing in accordance with the inflation rate, and the increase was not more than 400-500 rubles. With the change in the retirement age, the government decided to index pensions at an accelerated pace. According to the government, the indexation of pensions above the inflation rate will help protect pensioners from poverty.

So, for example, the indexation in 2019 will be 7.03%, and the forecasted inflation for 2018 will be 4%. At the same time, at the end of October 2018, inflation amounted to 3.5%.

Surcharge amount

From January 01, 2019, the size of the insurance pension will increase by 7.03%. If in the current year the amount of the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension is 4,982.9 rubles, then from January 2019 it will be 5334.19 rubles. That is, it will increase by 351, 29 rubles.

The promised increase of 1,000 rubles is the average value that resulted from the indexation of the average size of the insurance pension of a non-working pensioner. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has calculated the average pension for the current year and it amounted to 14,414 rubles. After indexing by 7, 03%, it will increase by just 1,013 rubles. and will amount to 15 427 rubles.

But since the size of the pension is determined individually, then the additional payment will be different for everyone. Pensioners receiving a pension below the average will receive an additional payment of less than 1,000 rubles. Those citizens who have a pension of more than 14, 5 thousand rubles can count on an additional payment of more than 1000 rubles.

Who is entitled to a surcharge

The supplement is provided only for citizens receiving an old-age pension. Working pensioners will continue to receive pensions without taking into account annual indexations. They will be able to receive an increased pension only after completing their labor activity after three months. For these three months, they will be paid the difference at a time.

For those receiving state pensions, the indexation procedure will remain the same. Their pensions will be increased annually from April 1.


So, in 2019, a pension increased by more than 1000 rubles will be received by citizens whose pension simultaneously meets the following conditions:

  • appointed by old age;
  • paid to a non-working pensioner;
  • the size is not less than 14, 5 thousand rubles.

Working pensioners will be able to receive their increased pension only three months after their dismissal.

The Ministry of Labor has calculated that over the next 5-6 years the average pension will grow by 10 percent. This will come true thanks to the changes in the indexation of pensions.
