How To Make A Showcase For The New Year

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How To Make A Showcase For The New Year
How To Make A Showcase For The New Year

Video: How To Make A Showcase For The New Year

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New Year's holidays are a special time for the rise in sales, increase in traffic in stores and shopping centers. A well-designed festive showcase will not only create a festive atmosphere, but will further contribute to an increase in profits.

How to make a showcase for the New Year
How to make a showcase for the New Year

It is necessary

  • - adhesive tape;
  • - a figurine of Santa Claus and other fairytale heroes.


Step 1

Use a variety of materials and technologies to decorate your shop windows. These can be simple images that can be printed on paper or fabric, or the creation of an entire design composition. Just do everything efficiently. It is better to order a design from a professional than to draw a wall newspaper with the children yourself. Despite the fact that this will require certain financial costs, they will pay off several times by increased attendance. Use self-adhesive foil appliques. This will allow you to quickly arrange the showcase, and then remove the film from the glass without traces.

Step 2

The New Year's decoration of your shop window should correspond to the whole style of the premises, since the main goal remains to increase the sales and recognition of the promoted brand. Thus, you should not decorate the window of a jewelry store with cheap tinsel or artificial snow, but in a children's goods store the figure of Santa Claus with a bag behind his back and a decorated Christmas tree will look great. Also, in such a store, you can arrange figurines of fairy-tale characters from cartoons, which are associated with the new year.

Step 3

Use lighting wisely. Recently, LED lighting has become popular in New Year's window dressing. But it is best for professionals to deal with the issue of lighting, because this design element can both emphasize other design elements very favorably, and greatly spoil even the most interesting design option. Use garlands and other lighting items that can then be easily removed and put away for the next holiday.

Step 4

Take advantage of the moment of bulk purchases and use words such as "Winter action" or "New Year's gift for 50%" in the New Year's window design. These are commonplace things, but in the pre-New Year's bustle, even if the price of goods on your price tags does not change, the number of sales will increase.
