If for some reason you decide to wind up your individual enterprise, then it is not enough for you to simply publicly declare this and remove the sign from the office space. The IP closure procedure is regulated by law and includes several mandatory formal steps that you must complete.

Step 1
Make a call to the tax office at the place of registration of your sole proprietorship and specify the amount of the fee payable upon the closure of the sole proprietorship.
Step 2
Fill out an application for the liquidation of an individual entrepreneur. The form can be obtained from any tax office.
Step 3
Complete your business closure fee receipt. Print the receipt from the tax office website or get the form from the tax office.
Step 4
At any branch of Sberbank of Russia, pay the state fee for closing an individual entrepreneur. You must have a completed receipt and passport with you. Before paying, check the correctness of filling in the receipt (details and other data).
Step 5
Submit to the tax service the documents required to close the individual entrepreneur (application and paid receipt). You will be given a receipt for the documents. You can send the package of documents for the closure of an individual enterprise to the tax office by mail with a valuable letter with a receipt acknowledgment and a list of attachments. In this case, the day the documents are submitted to the tax office will be considered the day of submission of documents.
Step 6
Five working days after the submission of the documents, you will receive a certificate of state registration of the termination of activities as an individual entrepreneur and an extract from the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs. Have your passport and tax receipt with you.
Step 7
Within twelve days, contact the branch of the Pension Fund, where your company is registered, with a notification of the closure of the IP and receive a calculation of mandatory payments. Bring your passport and certificate of registration of the termination of activities as an individual entrepreneur with you. Pension Fund specialists will draw up a report and give you receipts for payment.
Step 8
With the completed receipts, contact the Sberbank branch and pay the debt on mandatory fixed payments.
Step 9
Submit your tax returns and reports to the Social Security Fund. Close the bank account and deregister the cash register (if available).