A modern advertising campaign is a complex mechanism consisting of a huge number of little things. If you decide to refuse the services of a professional, get ready for difficult and painstaking work. Depending on the funds allocated, the size and manner of the campaign will vary. However, the basic steps are the same.

Step 1
Analyze the market for the advertised product. Market analysis will reveal what has already been done and what has not yet been done in your area. Review competitor substitute products, identify the strengths and weaknesses of your product against the background of competitors. Study competitors' marketing and advertising strategies and take note of the best practices and activities.
Step 2
Choose your target audience. The consumer of your product can be a huge number of people of different sex, age, weight, and so on. If your ad campaign budget does not allow you to cover the entire market at once, select the audience that is most important to you. Build on the existing strengths of the product, start an advertising campaign.
Step 3
Prepare information and promotional materials. The easiest way to start advertising a product is with outdoor advertising. It prepares faster and is perfect for launching a small "teaser" - a marketing trap that involves the buyer in the process of an advertising campaign. It can be a bright poster with an invitation to the site or a symbol of a future promotion and a sonorous motto without unnecessary information.
Step 4
Use the Internet as one of your main advertising channels. The Internet ranks second in advertising efficiency after television. At the same time, the prices for advertising space on the Internet are much lower than elsewhere.
Step 5
Break your ad campaign into stages. If you pour all the collected materials into the media at the same time, there will be no good effect. Remember that the person is aggressively opposed to any kind of advertising activity. Therefore, it should not be intrusive, but informative. Break your campaign down into stages and take short breaks in between.
Step 6
Get feedback from your target audience during breaks. While the next wave is being prepared, you have 1-2 weeks to gather information to understand how successful the campaign was. Find out the number of new buyers, how the audience's attitude towards the product has changed and what the buyers themselves would like to say about your product or service. The easiest way to do this is through social surveys, which can be conducted over the Internet. Start a corporate blog for your company or a group on social networks. The consumer will be pleased that you are interested in his opinion.