How To Make Money

How To Make Money
How To Make Money

Table of contents:


"How to make money?" Surely everyone has asked themselves this question at least once. Salary is a salary, but it is not enough for everything that you want, and sometimes not enough for what you need … How can you make sure that you have enough money? And at the same time, of course, do not go beyond the law?

how to make money
how to make money

It is necessary

Go to any bookstore that sells business literature. Now there are enough books on the shelves about financial literacy, investing, and business. The Internet is also suitable - for example, thematic sites about business and career


Step 1

Let's look at four ways to get money. The simplest and most passive is the delivery (sale) of the existing real estate. Of course, this method is only suitable for those who have an empty apartment or summer cottage. The method can be somewhat complicated - to sell an apartment that is available, for example, in the Western District of Moscow, and with an additional charge to buy an apartment in the center, and then sell it after a while for a lot of money, since the price of real estate is only growing. Real estate was used to make a fortune in the early 90s. However, for this you need to have money to pay extra for an apartment in the center, and the tax authorities will certainly be interested in you and deprive you of some of the profits.

Real estate can make quick money quite simply
Real estate can make quick money quite simply

Step 2

There is another way that suits most - to make a career and, accordingly, get more money. This method is good for everyone, except that the result will not have to wait for a year or two. Of course, there are people who make simply dizzying careers, but not every secretary should seriously believe that in a year he will be the CEO of the company, even if he does an excellent job and shows initiative. This method is difficult, reliable, but long.

Step 3

It is believed that the richest people are entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, this is a myth; it can be quite difficult for an entrepreneur to make money. Even omitting some of the realities of our country that make it difficult to do business, it is worth keeping in mind that an entrepreneur, especially at first, works more than any top manager, sometimes 20 hours a day, but, unlike the latter, he risks much more: not an annual bonus, not a salary, not a workplace, but with all his business and all investments, as well as investments of investors and loans taken. At the same time, in the initial period, the business may not only not be profitable, but also not pay off. However, if you feel the strength to start your own business, if you are tired of working in the office, then why not give it a try? If business only brought problems, then we would not have shops, cafes and hairdressers at every step. Beginners should talk with those who already have their own business, read specialized literature and … act.

Step 4

The words "shares", "mutual fund", "broker" usually cause the Russians to be wary - not so long ago they were associated with the loss of money, and not with their appearance. However, times are changing. Investing is always and in any country a rather risky thing, but nevertheless there are enough people who have made a fortune for themselves on it. It is investment, not speculation, i.e. long-term investment of money in securities of certain companies. But in order to start investing with minimal risk, you should take care of raising the level of your financial literacy. Unfortunately, schools and universities do not teach how to properly manage money, and not every university graduate (with the exception of economists) will be able to correctly explain what an action is. The first thing you need if you want to make a fortune by investing is to acquire specialized literature, for example, the book by G. Erdman "Beware: Stocks! Or the Truth About Investing in Russia".

Investing is difficult to master, but worth it
Investing is difficult to master, but worth it

Step 5

Whichever way you use to make money, it is worth remembering that time will pass before you have a stable large income or receive a large amount at a time, with the exception, perhaps, of the first method. However, this time will pay off, and not only financially: becoming a founder of a company or a top manager is worth not only for the sake of profit or bonuses.
