What Is A Job Description And The Procedure For Its Execution

What Is A Job Description And The Procedure For Its Execution
What Is A Job Description And The Procedure For Its Execution

In practice, the job description is often used, but in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there is not even a mention of it. Therefore, questions about the procedure for issuing it from personnel services personnel appear periodically. How to do it right?

What is a job description and the procedure for its execution
What is a job description and the procedure for its execution

The job description is a document that contains all the main activities, duties, rights and responsibilities of an employee in a specific position. The laws of the Russian Federation do not oblige enterprises to use such a document, there are no legal acts on the procedure for its preparation, but only departmental orders that regulate the preparation of job descriptions.

When compiling such a document, employees rely on the statutory documents of the enterprise, which reflect its functions and tasks, qualification requirements for positions, as well as labor costs for performing work.

When distributing responsibilities, you need to ensure that they are not duplicated, that the sequence of operations is not disrupted, and the most complex functions are assigned to employees with the highest qualifications.

In addition, when drawing up a job description, it is necessary to ensure that each employee of the enterprise has all the rights that are needed to effectively perform the duties assigned to him.

And regardless of whether the job description describes the duties, rights and responsibilities of an employee or a manager, it, as a rule, should contain five sections:

  • general provisions;
  • main goals;
  • rights;
  • a responsibility;
  • requirements for the employee.

The section "General Provisions" should include the exact title of the employee's position, the size of his salary, conditions for the issuance of bonuses, a deputy, conditions for resolving social security issues. In addition, in the section, it is necessary to indicate to whom the employee is subordinate, who appointed to the position and has the right to release from it, the presence of subordinates, the procedure for replacement, as well as the list of documents that the employee will be guided by while performing his functions.

The section "Main tasks" should contain information about the specific functions that are assigned to the employee, as well as the responsibilities that he must perform in order to solve the tasks assigned to him.

The section "Rights" consists of all the rights that the company gives to the employee for the most efficient performance of the duties assigned to him. Based on these data, the employee can defend his rights if necessary, since the job description is a legal document.

The section "Responsibility" contains the same measures of compensation both for those cases when the employee does not fulfill the assigned duties, and for those cases in which he does not use the rights granted to him.

The “Requirements” section describes the specific requirements for the length of service and education of the employee. And often the information from this section is included in the "General Provisions".

The development of a job description is considered the responsibility of the head of the department whose staff includes a specific position. After that, staff members or lawyers should check the content of the document. And the head of the entire enterprise approves it.

The job description is considered to have come into force after it is approved and before it is replaced by another, developed and approved in the given order. The employee is obliged to fulfill the requirements of the job description from the moment he signs it until he is fired.

An acquaintance sheet must be attached to the job description, its pages must be numbered, laced, and the document itself must be certified by the seal of the enterprise.
