How To Insure Yourself Using SMS

How To Insure Yourself Using SMS
How To Insure Yourself Using SMS

A new service has recently appeared in Russia - mobile insurance. The development of this option was carried out by the company "Victoria", which currently works with several insurance companies, such as: "VTB-Insurance" and "Alliance". In the future, the company plans to expand its field of activity. What is this new product, and what are its pros and cons.

How to insure yourself using SMS
How to insure yourself using SMS

How to get mobile insurance

Currently, only property and life can be insured through a mobile phone. In the near future, it is planned to introduce TCD (insurance for those traveling abroad). It takes no more than fifteen minutes to issue an insurance policy.

In order to use the mobile insurance service, you need to dial the command * 380 #, and then follow the prompts of the system.

The client himself chooses an insurance company and an acceptable rate. After answering a few questions, the client receives a service message with a request to confirm his intention to take out insurance.

After a while, a company representative calls the client and finishes the policy. The specialist will find out personal data in order to issue an insurance certificate.

A letter will be sent to the specified e-mail address - an analogue of an insurance policy, signed by the company. This document does not require a client signature. Consent is the payment of this policy.

You can make payments in installments. Mobile insurance provides for daily debiting of funds from the client's account. It turns out that you can independently choose the days when the insurance is valid and cancel it at any time.

In order to refuse insurance, it is enough to type a special command in the USSD menu.

If there are not enough funds on the mobile phone account to pay for insurance for a day, then that day will not be insured.

How much does mobile insurance cost

At the moment, there are two tariffs on the mobile insurance market: 6 and 17 rubles per day.

If the rate is 6 rubles per day, then for property insurance the payment will be 400,000 rubles, from an accident - up to 150,000 rubles.

The tariff of 17 rubles provides for the following payments: property - 600,000 rubles, accident insurance - 300,000 rubles.

Insurance companies continue to actively develop this area of business. Over time, new insurance products are planned to appear.

Pros of mobile insurance:

  • You can insure yourself daily. For example, you can take out an insurance policy before any trip, and suspend it upon your return.
  • Easy change of insurance company. You can change the insurance company at any time and choose the most favorable conditions for yourself.
  • The program works on any phone model. In order to use the mobile insurance service, you do not need to have an expensive smartphone.

Cons of mobile insurance:

  • The main disadvantage of this service is the scarcity of the range of insurance products. For example, it is not yet possible to insure a car.
  • It is impossible to insure property and health for a large amount. For a more expensive insurance policy, you still need to go directly to the offices of the insurance companies.
  • You cannot get mobile insurance from two companies at once. The client is obliged to first cancel the current policy before entering into a contract with another company.
  • The insurance does not take effect immediately, but on the 6th day after the application is submitted. For example, if the money was debited from the account on February 10, then the sixteenth day will be considered insured.
