Many dream of starting their own business, start it, but suddenly they are faced with the fact that they need much more funds than they thought … Someone takes loans, someone decides that business is not for him. How to correctly calculate the costs of your business?

Step 1
First, you need to calculate the costs of a business before you have taken at least one step to create it, and not after. Secondly, it is worth remembering that almost any business requires costs, "business without investments" is often just a myth, and you need to soberly assess your financial capabilities.
Step 2
Let's consider an example of calculating funds for a fairly low-cost business. Let it be a small advertising agency. What you will definitely have to pay for:
1. registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
2. rent of premises;
3. organization of your business (communications, internet);
4. salary to staff;
5. advertising.
Step 3
Registration of an LLC (consider it, since it is more expensive) will cost about 4,000 rubles if you register an LLC yourself, and 8,000-10,000 thousand if you hire an intermediary company (this option is the most convenient). These amounts include state fees for registration, notary services, opening a bank account, making a seal and paying for the services of intermediaries, if you decide to use them. It is worth remembering that the size of state duties may change, and they need to be checked (for example, on the website of the 46th tax inspectorate -
Step 4
Registration requires that at least 50% of your company's registered capital be paid up. Now the minimum authorized capital of an LLC is 10,000 rubles, it can be contributed both in cash and in property. Take note that amendments to the Civil Code are being prepared, which imply its increase by at least 50 times since 2012. This is done as part of the fight against fly-by-night firms, but it can hit the average entrepreneur hard.
Step 5
At the first stage, you may not need a room for doing business. It is not uncommon for aspiring entrepreneurs to communicate with their first clients by phone, make appointments in cafes or offices of the same clients, and work on orders at home. However, it probably cannot go on like this for a long time. It is not only the convenience of doing business that is important, it is also important that when registering an LLC, you will need to name the office address. Tax inspectorates have been extremely wary of "mass" addresses lately. Therefore, it is worth deciding on a place and renting a small room.

Step 6
The office of an advertising agency does not need to be located in the very center of the city, but it is still better that it is not located on the outskirts. Renting an office is not as easy as it seems: it is necessary to draw up a competent lease agreement, which may require legal advice. If you are not sure about the landlord, it is better to spend money on a lawyer instead of being deceived. The cost of renting an office of about 30 square meters in Moscow ranges from 15,000 rubles per square meter per year.
Step 7
You also need to take care of organizing your business - purchasing equipment, organizing communications. At first, it is enough to have everything at a minimum, but are you planning to develop? The same applies to employees: if for the first few months you can work together with a partner, then later you will need people, at least a secretary.
Step 8
An advertising agency, like any other business, also needs advertising. Quite low-cost advertising - advertising on the Internet, you can also hire promoters who will lay out your leaflets under the "windshield wipers" of more or less expensive cars (it hardly makes sense to distribute advertising agency leaflets to passers-by). Naturally, it is worth creating a website. There are many ways to advertise yourself.

Step 9
Let's calculate the total costs (of course, approximately):
1. Registration - up to 10,000 the procedure itself and 5,000 - half of the authorized capital of the LLC, a total of 15,000.
2. Office - up to 450,000 per month, depending on the location. If there are costs for a lawyer, then even up to 20,000 rubles.
3. Organization of office work - depending on the office. A couple of laptops or computers, tables for them, the Internet and a telephone, useful little things will cost about 100,000 rubles (with proper savings).
4. The salary of a secretary in Moscow ranges from 18,000 to 20,000 rubles. At first, it makes no sense to pay the secretary more, since he will not have much work. Hire students, they will definitely not refuse to work for this amount. The salary of an advertising manager starts at 30,000; inexperienced people can pay less.
5. Services of a promoter cost from 200 rubles per hour. To print leaflets - from 2,000 rubles, a website - from 20,000. A good option is to use friends. Surely your programmer friend will make you a good website inexpensively.
Step 10
Naturally, this calculation is only approximate. It all depends on the city in which you do business, the circumstances in the market. In addition, it is worth emphasizing that this calculation is suitable when you start to promote your business, i.e. not from the very beginning, because at first you may be working without staff and even without an office.