The savings rate in Russia is not very high. According to statistics, every third citizen has savings. Oddly enough, the more we earn, the more we spend. Therefore, it is impossible to accumulate money. Then you need to act cunningly. Here are some easy ways to learn how to accumulate money.

Step 1
The first method is designed for a whole year, i.e. 52 weeks. Starting from the first week, you put 10 rubles in a piggy bank or into your account. You must increase the amount every week. For example, in the second week you save 20 rubles, in the third - 30, etc. And after a year you will have accumulated 13,780 rubles.

Step 2
Savings from purchases. Almost everyone has discount cards of various supermarkets. Every time after going to the store, save the amount that you saved using the discount card. It must be indicated on the check. You would still spend this money if you did not have a discount card.

Step 3
A very simple way - just put all the change in the jar every night. You will be surprised how much you can save this way.

Step 4
And one more tricky way. If you are repaying the loan, continue making payments after the loan is repaid. Just credit them to your account.