Each family is obliged to make monthly payments for utilities, but if the amount on receipts exceeds ten percent of the total family income, the difference between them is covered from the state budget. Residents of the city of Moscow are provided with a subsidy in accordance with the decree of the Government of Moscow dated 19.09.2006, No. 710-PP.

It is necessary
paid receipts for housing and communal services, a copy of the social rental agreement (ownership), income certificates, relevant documents, housing legislation
Step 1
In order to receive a subsidy from the state, a Moscow family needs to collect receipts for payment of housing and communal services for electricity, water supply, heat supply, sewerage, gas supply, garbage collection, and its disposal for the previous six months. Moreover, in the housing legislation there is a clause that the listed documents must be paid. For 2011, the standard of payment for utilities is 2,136.73 rubles for one person, 1,733.61 rubles for each member of a family consisting of two people, and 1,637.58 rubles for three people.
Step 2
The subsidy is available to families whose total income does not exceed ten percent. For the previous six months, certificates of income of each family member are submitted to the social authority. From January 1, 2011, for citizens living alone, income per person should not exceed 21,367.30 rubles, for a family of two - 34,672.20 rubles, out of three - 49,127, 40 rubles, out of four - 65 503, 20 rubles.
Step 3
If the family is the owner of an apartment or house, a copy of the ownership agreement must be submitted to the social authorities in the city of Moscow. If the family applying for the subsidy is a tenant, they need to submit a copy of the social tenancy agreement for the living space.
Compensation from the state is based on the area where the family lives. If a lonely citizen submits documents for a subsidy, compensation is calculated from 33 square meters, if the family consists of two people - from 42 square meters, from three or more - 18 square meters for each family member.
Step 4
When the average per capita income of a family claiming compensation from the state per month is less than 800 rubles, the family does not have to pay utility bills at all. If the average per capita income varies from 800 to 2000 rubles, the family pays three percent of the total amount of housing and communal services, if the income is from 2000 to 2500 rubles, six percent is paid. When the income exceeds 2500 rubles, ten percent of the cost of services is paid. If a family that has received the right to a subsidy does not pay for utilities within two months, then this right terminates.