A birth certificate is a legal document, it is issued to a woman in labor to pay for the services of medical institutions to which she applies. This monetary incentive promotes better health care delivery.

Step 1
The birth certificate was introduced to improve the quality of medical services provided not only to a pregnant woman, but also to an unborn baby. Thanks to the birth certificate, pregnant women have the right to receive free vitamin complexes, iodine preparations and many other necessary medications.
Step 2
The birth certificate includes a spine, which confirms its issuance and remains in the medical institution and 3 coupons: - coupon number 1 - remains in the antenatal clinic, in which the expectant mother is observed during pregnancy;
-salon number 2 - remains in the hospital where the birth and postnatal observation of the woman in labor and the child took place;
-salon number 3 - goes to the district children's clinic, which will be assigned the duty to monitor the newborn baby in the first year of his life.
Step 3
The birth certificate is an extremely valuable document containing information about the woman in labor, place, time, date of birth, as well as information about weight, height, and more. what gender is the newborn baby.
Step 4
All women with Russian civil citizenship, as well as foreign citizens permanently and legally residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, have the right to receive a birth certificate.
Step 5
A birth certificate is issued at the 30th week of pregnancy with a singleton pregnancy and at the 28th week - with multiple pregnancies in the antenatal clinic, where the woman was registered for pregnancy and childbirth.
Step 6
To obtain a generic certificate, the expectant mother must submit the following documents: -passport;
-police of compulsory medical insurance;
- insurance certificate of state pension insurance.
Step 7
The amount of the birth certificate in 2011 is 10,000 rubles, of which 3,000 rubles is received by a women's consultation in which a pregnant woman was observed for at least 12 weeks, 6,000 rubles are received by a medical institution in which the birth took place and 1,000 rubles are received by a children's clinic that monitors newborn baby.
Step 8
It should be noted that the generic certificate cannot be cashed out. And even if a woman used paid services, it is impossible to pay for them with a generic certificate.