Today, there are several state, regional and municipal programs that provide citizens with the opportunity to solve their housing problem with a housing certificate, for example, the military housing certificate program. Due to various circumstances, it may be necessary to cash out the housing certificate. Cashing out is understood to mean the sale of a certificate with the receipt by its owner of funds equivalent to the cost of the certificate.

Step 1
To date, there is only one answer to the question of how to cash out a housing certificate - contact a real estate agency. Cashing a certificate is a legally complex and insecure double transaction scheme with real estate and cash.
Step 2
In a simplified way, the transaction can be described as follows. You contact a real estate agency, the real estate agency is looking for a client who wants to buy an apartment and is ready to wait for the transaction to be completed from one to two to three months.
Step 3
The choice of an apartment is carried out by the client, but you, the owner of the housing certificate, will have to purchase it. The appraised value of the apartment must be at least the cost of the housing certificate.
Step 4
Next, the real estate agency conducts a regular apartment purchase transaction on your behalf on your certificate, and you become the owner of a residential apartment. Within one month after the sale and purchase transaction, the justice authorities carry out state registration of rights to real estate.
Step 5
As soon as the certificate of registration of rights to real estate is received, the real estate agency conducts a second purchase and sale transaction in which you are already participating in the role of the seller, and the buyer, according to whose criteria the apartment was selected, acts as the buyer.
Step 6
As a result of two transactions, the buyer becomes the owner of the apartment that you previously purchased for a certificate, and you receive cash. As you can see, you can cash out a housing certificate yourself, without involving a real estate agency.
Step 7
However, such a transaction is legally quite complicated, carries a certain risk and is not entirely clean from the point of view of the state, because the housing certificate serves as a tool for providing housing, and not cash. So proceed with caution when choosing a real estate agency to cash your certificate.