The maternity capital certificate can be cashed in different ways. The money is spent on the education of the child, improvement of housing conditions, or on the retirement program of the mother. Buying an apartment or house with these funds is considered a good help for a family.

It is necessary
- - a certificate of maternity capital obtained at least three years ago;
- is a reliable real estate company.
Step 1
Determine the purpose of contacting realtors. Do you really need to improve living conditions and buy real estate, or do you have only one goal - to cash out the maternity capital. All your further actions will depend on this. If you need to purchase housing, then you follow the usual scheme of buying real estate.
Step 2
Find trusted realtors, contact a serious company. To do this, ask your friends - maybe they know good specialists in the field of real estate. It is also recommended to independently search for information on the Internet. Be vigilant and beware of random offers to purchase housing and cash out maternity capital.
Step 3
You will probably be offered one of the following options: make a deal for the sale and purchase of housing with your next of kin, purchase a share of real estate or unfinished construction, but for this you will have to at least fill the foundation on the site.
Step 4
The easiest and most common way is to buy a home from a relative, friend, or just someone you can trust. You agree to purchase, for example, a house for 20 thousand, and you make a deal for 387 640 rubles. This procedure is completely legal, and the concluded agreement cannot be invalidated.
Step 5
If it is not possible to buy housing in this way, but there is a land plot, then you can fill the foundation on it and arrange everything as unfinished construction. Another option: if you have several acquaintances with maternity capital certificates, then you can purchase joint housing. After a while, sell it, and divide the money.