What To Do With A Generic Certificate

What To Do With A Generic Certificate
What To Do With A Generic Certificate

The generic certificate is part of the presidential national priority project and has been issued since January 1, 2006. What should a woman in labor do with a certificate?

What to do with a generic certificate
What to do with a generic certificate

A generic certificate is required to maintain a birthing service. Of course, it was also possible to simply allocate certain amounts that would help maternity hospitals to improve the quality of medical care. Nevertheless, the Government of the Russian Federation came to the conclusion that each such institution should be interested in this itself. Therefore, women in labor were given the right to choose a maternity hospital on their own and pay for its services according to a birth certificate. However, this document applies only to public medical institutions. If a woman decides to give birth in a private clinic or on the basis of an additional agreement with a maternity hospital, she has the right to do so. But in this case, no clinic should also require a birth certificate from her. The birth certificate consists of 4 parts and is issued at the antenatal clinic. Usually, women receive it at the 30th week of pregnancy (if the ultrasound scan revealed that women should have twins, at the 28th). The first part of this document (spine) remains in the antenatal clinic, whose employees, after giving birth, send it to the FSS and receive a part of the amount. The second (coupon number 2) - will remain in the hospital and will be transferred through the FSS by its employees, too, after a successful birth. The third part (coupon number 3), the woman will have to submit to the registration of the children's clinic, where her child will be registered. The fourth part will remain with the new mother as a keepsake. Thus, the birth certificate is necessary not only for the state wishing to support maternity hospitals, but also for the woman herself. Of course, if she does not have it in her arms, the state institution will not refuse her obstetrics and will provide medical services at the standard level. But the headache for the chief accountant of the maternity hospital will definitely increase.
