Unique payment identifier - a set of numbers that is affixed on receipts, payment orders. According to it, the purpose of payment is determined, statistics are analyzed. You can get it in various state. institutions.

The unique identifier of the payment is a 20-digit code that is indicated when making a payment in the state information system. Thanks to him, you can quickly pay tax debts both to individuals and business representatives.
Regulation 383-P defines the rules for money transfers. Banks can use it to make payments on the basis of orders from users of services. The latter include:
- money orders;
- requirements;
- collection orders;
- various notifications.
The first document is the main one. Its content and form comply with the norms of legislation and the rules of document flow. It contains field 22 "Code", in which the UIP should be indicated.
In what cases is it necessary to indicate the UIP?
The number is entered in the payment document if it is assigned by the recipient of the money. The identifier must be assigned if the need for this is determined by the contractual relationship. In such a situation, the beneficiary's financial institution controls the correct display of the order.
It is used when paying contributions to extra-budgetary funds on the basis of a claim for payment. In such situations, the code is always written in the requirements.
When transferring money, the code can be put down if its number is known to the payer. If there is no data, then in the corresponding field put "0". If this is not done, leaving the corresponding field blank, then the bank cannot accept the document for execution.
Special conditions for filling out this code apply to entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries, and farm land owners. To transfer money to the budget, the TIN or UIP is indicated. If an individual tax number is entered, then zero is entered in the "Code" field. No financial institution has the right to require filling in both details at once.
There are several main purposes of UIP:
- streamlining when making various contributions;
- maintaining statistical data by government agencies;
- carrying out the amount that is spelled out in the payment order.
How can you find out the UIP?
The taxpayer usually finds out the details if information appears about the payment of tax arrears, there are penalties and fines imposed by the tax authorities. In this case, the unique identifier of the payment is already specified in the document.
If you do not have a document on hand, then you can check the data in your personal GIS account after registering in the system. The procedure is quite simple and does not take much time. By becoming an authorized user, additional opportunities are opened before you.
At the initial registration of the forms, it is advisable to get the code in advance. This can be done in the FSS, FEI, Pension Fund. Today there is one more opportunity - to study a special reference book. It can be downloaded from the Internet. But experts remind that the code values will change as part of the ongoing reforms. This point is very important, because if there is an error in at least one digit, the payer may be charged a penalty for late payment.
What to do if the UIP is filled in incorrectly?
Sometimes, due to the human factor, the code is entered with an error. If it is noticed in a timely manner, then it is enough to enter new details and make a payment. Other methods are also possible.
You can, for example, write a statement to a government agency for the return of funds sent by mistake to another account. In this case, the details of the bank account are prescribed, where the funds will have to be returned. You can also find out the return algorithm by calling the hotline of the corresponding service, since the procedure can be changed.
UIP can often be seen on Sberbank receipts. Many citizens do not even pay attention to this field, since in the main the field is filled in automatically, and the signs themselves are more important for the state. organs.
In conclusion, we note that two concepts are often confused: UIP and UIN. The difference is that the first one is assigned by the recipient of the payment, and the UIN is formed by the state body, serves to identify payments in favor of the state. budget.