The current tax system in Russia is distinguished by various types of taxes. They can be applied to both individuals and legal entities.

Classification of taxes in the Russian Federation
From the point of view of the formation of the tax base, direct and indirect taxes are distinguished. Direct taxes directly depend on the income and property of the taxpayer. These are, for example, personal income tax and corporate income tax.
Indirect taxes are not related to the company's income. They are set as a premium to the price of goods and are invisible to the payer. This tax is included by the enterprise in the selling price and paid to the state. Indirect taxes, such as VAT or excise taxes.
The federal structure of the Russian Federation determines the allocation of types of taxes on a territorial basis. Separate federal taxes that are payable throughout the Russian Federation; taxes of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, credited to the regional budget; municipal taxes that remain in the budget of municipalities.
Depending on the category of the taxpayer, taxes are divided for individuals and legal entities (companies and individual entrepreneurs). Some are levied exclusively on individuals (inheritance tax), others on legal entities (income tax). Some taxes apply to two groups - for example, land tax.
Taxes for individuals
In Russia, individuals pay income taxes (personal income tax), taxes on the purchase or sale of property, property tax, hunting, fishing, wells, excisable goods, personal transport, and land income.
The most common is income tax or personal income tax. The tax base in this case is the total income received by an individual in the reporting period. This can be wages, income from renting property, from tutoring, income from the sale of a vehicle, etc.
When it comes to wages, the employer in most cases acts as a tax agent and transfers personal income tax to the budget on its own. Salary income is taxed at the standard rate of 13% for residents (Russian citizens) and 30% for non-residents.
It is worth noting that individual entrepreneurs who apply OSNO also pay personal income tax on the profits from entrepreneurial activity.
Some incomes have an increased tax rate of 35%. This is relevant for income on deposits with a rate that is 5% higher than the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
Also, a tax of 9% must be paid on the dividends received.
Taxes for legal entities
The taxes paid by organizations and individual entrepreneurs depend on the tax regime they apply. So, companies on OSNO are obliged to pay all taxes in force in the Russian Federation - VAT, taxes on profits and on the property of organizations. The base income tax rate is 20%, in some regions there are reduced rates. VAT is included in the price of goods and is paid at the rates of 18%, 10%, 0%. Property tax is a regional one and is paid at a rate of no more than 2.2%.
In individual entrepreneurs and companies on OSNO, these taxes were replaced by one - a single tax with base rates of 6 on income or 15% on profit.
Also, some legal entities are required to pay excise taxes, mineral extraction tax (MET), taxes on gambling business, transport tax, water tax.