How To Get A Loan At Work

How To Get A Loan At Work
How To Get A Loan At Work

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If you urgently need money for an expensive purchase or payment for certain services, you can get a loan at work. In this case, there is no need to collect many documents and confirm your financial situation, since the employer already knows all the necessary information about you. However, there are also pitfalls here.

How to get a loan at work
How to get a loan at work


Step 1

Write a statement addressed to the head of the company, in which indicate how much money and for what needs you need. Submit your letter for review. Based on the requested amount, a feasibility study of these costs will be carried out. In case of a positive answer, the director is obliged to issue an order or write a resolution on your application, which is sent to the accounting department.

Step 2

Discuss the conditions for the provision of credit funds, on the basis of which the loan agreement is drawn up. It should be noted that if a loan is issued interest-free, then you have a benefit, in connection with which you are obliged to calculate and pay personal income tax. If you want to avoid taxes, then negotiate a low interest rate with your manager.

Step 3

Sign the loan agreement and get your hands on the money. You can return the money to the cashier in cash or write an application for withholding the debt in parts of their salary. It should be noted that the employer has the right to issue only loans, therefore, before signing the agreement, check its text for the presence of the word "credit". Otherwise, certain difficulties may arise, both for the enterprise and for you.

Step 4

Get a bank loan for a salary card. This method of lending is quite popular among those whose enterprises cooperate with credit institutions to issue wages. In this case, it is enough to contact the bank branch with a passport and fill out an application form. As a rule, there is no need for additional documents. At the same time, you will receive a consumer loan or overdraft at low interest rates, and repayment will be made automatically from your salary card. It should be noted that if the employer delays payments, you will not be charged late fees.
