If you need a loan to buy an apartment, a car, a trip abroad, you cannot take it without work experience. Nevertheless, in some cases it is quite possible to get a loan.
Step 1
Fill out the online application, indicate the required amount of money. After considering the application, you will be sent a response with the terms of the loan, which they agree to issue to you. Then go to the bank branch. Think before signing a contract, because this type of loan will cost you dearly.
Step 2
If you have no work experience, prefer a secured loan. Thanks to him, banking risk will be reduced, and interest rates are not too high. The loan amount can be unlimited depending on the value of your property. Property that can be pledged: apartment, car, land plot, precious metals, securities.
Step 3
There is a list of banks that provide loans without work experience. Try to get a loan from such banks, resorting to documentary evidence of solvency. For this, agreements of previously paid loans, technical passports for vehicles, deposit agreements may be useful. Documents confirming your intention to use the loan for its intended purpose will help: documents for a land plot for construction, a training contract, a permit for the construction of an individual residential building.