In order to order a credit card via the Internet, you need to choose the banking product that suits you best, fill out an application on the website and visit the bank branch when the card is produced.

Step 1
Select the bank where you would like to open an account and apply for a plastic card. Make sure that the bank issues not only debit cards, with which the owner can use only his own funds on the account, but also credit cards. They allow you to borrow money from the bank with the obligatory condition of repayment within the agreed time frame.
Step 2
Select a payment system in which settlements and currency conversion will take place when using the card to pay for purchases abroad. Russian banks issue cards of two payment systems Visa and MasterCard.
Step 3
Study the conditions for issuing a credit card on the bank's website. Pay attention to how much you can get on credit for a one-time transaction, in what time frame it is necessary to pay off the debt so that no interest is charged, what is the amount of the mandatory payment. Also, study the information on the methods of repayment of the loan, banks provide the opportunity to do this in cash at the cash desk of the nearest branch, through payment terminals and by wire transfer from another account.
Step 4
Fill out the application online on the bank's website. Indicate your name, surname, passport details, residential address, information about your family, property and place of work. Leave your contact information so that a bank employee can contact you. Choose a bank branch where it will be convenient for you to receive your card. Submit your application.
Step 5
Wait for a call from a bank employee. He will notify you about the timing of the card production.
Step 6
Visit the bank branch, which you indicated in the application form, at the agreed time, receive your credit card, sign the prepared agreement on card issuance and account opening. Leave one copy to the bank employee. Together with the card, you will receive a pin code that cannot be disclosed to anyone, even a bank representative.