Certificates for maternity capital began to be issued in early 2007. Since January 1, 2012, its size has grown to 387,640 rubles 30 kopecks, which can be spent on repaying an existing mortgage loan or used as a down payment or current payments for a newly issued mortgage loan.

It is necessary
- - application;
- - passport;
- - a package of documents to the territorial office of the Pension Fund.
Step 1
On the basis of Federal Law No. 256-F3, you have the right to receive a certificate for maternity capital at the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent children. If the child does not have a mother, the certificate is issued to the father, guardian or legal representative.
Step 2
You can get a mortgage even before the child is born, it can be done by a father, guardian, legal representative or mother. Regardless of who the loan is for, you can repay part of it with maternity capital funds.
Step 3
To repay part of the amount of an existing mortgage loan, apply to the territorial office of the Pension Fund immediately after the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent child. The application is drawn up on a unified form, which you can get from the Pension Fund when you apply.
Step 4
Attach a passport, a loan agreement and a photocopy, a bank statement on the remaining amount of debt, a certificate of ownership of the purchased housing, a birth certificate of all children, documents confirming the baby's citizenship to the application. If the child is entered in your regular passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, this will be a confirmation that the baby is a citizen of the same country. You will also need a marriage or divorce certificate, a guardian's certificate, a certificate of family composition, a certificate of residence.
Step 5
According to the law, no more than 30 calendar days are allotted for consideration of your documents. The funds will be transferred to the account of the credit institution where you took out the mortgage.
Step 6
If a child was born or you adopted him, but you are only planning to issue a mortgage, on the basis of Federal Law No. 288-F3 of December 25, 2008, you have the right to do this immediately after receiving a certificate for maternity capital. Whereas before the adoption of this law, it was possible to dispose of funds no earlier than the child turns three years old.
Step 7
The documents must be submitted the same as for an already issued mortgage loan. The only difference is that if you plan to spend the maternity capital on a down payment for the purchase of housing, you will not have a certificate of ownership, an agreement on a formalized mortgage and a bank statement about the remaining amount of debt.
Step 8
After reviewing the package of documents submitted by you to the territorial office of the Pension Fund, the entire amount of maternity capital will be transferred to the credit institution's account as a down payment or current payments for the purchased housing.