If you are the owner of a lot of unnecessary things that are wasting space in closets and gathering dust on the shelves, do not rush to throw them away. Surely, many of these things have, even if small, but value. Try putting them up for auction. This will not require any special costs from you and will bring some profit.

Step 1
Online auctions have become very popular lately. The largest and most famous of them is the Ebay auction. A huge number of sellers from all over the world use it to sell both brand new and used goods, making good money on it. To put an item up for auction "Ebay", you need to follow a series of simple steps.
Step 2
First of all, register on the website www.eBay.ru by filling in all the required fields of the form, and confirm your agreement with all the terms of the user agreement. Then click the Sell button and proceed to filling out the form for selling the product.
Step 3
The first step towards filling out the form is placing your product in one of the several thousand categories indicated on the site. This will help the potential buyer find the item you are exhibiting faster. You can place your product in several categories at once. This will increase your chances of a quick sale, but it will also double the costs associated with participating in the auction.
Step 4
The next item is "Title". Come up with an original, enticing name for your product, which will undoubtedly attract the attention of the buyer to the lot. Be sure to include the name of the manufacturer, the color and size of the item being auctioned.
Step 5
Now describe in great detail the item to be auctioned. Indicate all its advantages and disadvantages. If there is any damage, do not forget to write about them as well. Complete the description of the lot with high-quality and attractive photographs of the item on sale.
Step 6
Indicate the original price of the item. Start at the lowest cost you can afford. Remember that the cheapness of the lot can attract the attention of a large number of potential buyers.
Step 7
Do not forget to indicate the method of delivery for the goods you exhibited. You can offer the buyer free shipping on condition that he immediately purchases the goods you exhibited.