If you have accumulated a lot of unnecessary, but still of some value, things, then you should try to sell them at auction. This activity requires almost no investment, but it can bring you some income. Agree, it's great to get money for things that just gather dust in cabinets and on shelves and that you don't use at all.

Step 1
In our computer age, auctions are increasingly held on the Internet. Take, for example, the most famous auction in the world "Ebay", millions of sellers from all over the world put up for sale both completely new and used things and make money from it. Let's talk about how to auction an item on the example of Ebay. Remember that the description of the lot and the schedule are needed in order to attract attention, but this is not the main thing, follow the rules of the auction and do not violate the delivery time.
Step 2
So, first, register on the site, and then click the "Sell" button and proceed to filling out the form for sale. The first item is "Category". Place your product in one of several thousand product categories to help a potential buyer find you faster. You can place your product in several categories at once, but then your costs will double.
Step 3
The second item is "Title". Come up with an interesting, enticing name for the lot that will grab the attention of the buyer. If the item is branded, then include in the name the name of the company, as well as the size and color.
Step 4
Description. Describe the item you are selling, include a photograph of it in the description. Be sure to write about its advantages and disadvantages or damages (if any). By the way, photos are of great importance, make them high quality and attractive.
Step 5
Price. Start with the lowest price that is acceptable to you, because low prices always attract attention.
Step 6
Delivery. Try the following move: Use the Buy Now offer with the free shipping offer, customers love these bonuses.