The ability to properly manage your funds is a real art that allows you to establish friendly relationships with money. Life "from paycheck to paycheck" is a vivid example of illiterate spending of funds. If a short delay can cause the emergence of new debt obligations, then it is time to revise the principles of forming a family budget.

Step 1
It is more difficult for a person to part with cash than with funds in a bank account. Therefore, first of all, enter the rule: if possible, pay in bills from the wallet, and use plastic cards only in case of urgent need or expediency. For example, you will not feel much difference when calculating in a grocery store - in this case, pay with "real" money. But when ordering air tickets via the Internet, it is much more profitable to write off funds from your bank account.
Step 2
Plan your budget for different periods of time: month, week, day. For large purchases, take the quarter as the starting point. Always write down the costs, the approximate amount and the time in which the intended amount will be spent. At the same time, it is important to keep not only the calculation of upcoming purchases, but also to record the amount of money spent daily. A month or two of strict accounting will allow you to identify the weaknesses of the budget and understand that you can safely delete from the consumer basket and thereby free up some of the funds.
Step 3
Avoid impulse purchases. It is unlikely that you can completely limit yourself from the influence of marketing techniques, but you can still significantly reduce the percentage of unplanned expenses. To do this, before each visit to the store, make a shopping list, and in the checkout line, examine it again and find out if you took excess and how much these things are necessary. Not needed - do not be lazy, lay it out. In some cases, the percentage of impulsive spending can reach 70-80% of the initially planned amount, and you need to try to reduce it to 10-15%.
Step 4
Do not borrow money and, if possible, do not borrow money from friends and acquaintances. When a person begins to pursue financial troubles, the first thing he does is remember the people who borrowed from him. But, as a rule, this is where it all ends. Often, communication with debtors has been lost a long time ago, or there are circumstances that do not allow the return of the amount given. A common phenomenon is the emergence of mutual hatred between a virtue and a debtor, which to some extent is considered a punishment from above. Therefore, wealthy people do not recommend binding themselves with debt obligations, especially when it comes to a specific person. If you want to help with money - give the funds free of charge, and do it only in exceptional cases, without prejudice to the family budget.
Step 5
Save money on purpose. Save up not for a "rainy" day, but for a brighter future, distribute the funds that you include in this expense item as intended. For example, to start your own business, retire, etc. You don't have to start by depositing large sums; the main thing is to develop a habit. Ideally, you should come to learn how to easily save 50% of your monthly earnings.