Recently, the state has opened many special programs that are designed to improve the standard of living of people with low incomes. One of these programs is a social mortgage, which can be obtained by a family with a lack of living space and unable to purchase new housing.

Step 1
Contact the local authority responsible for the housing policy of your city or area. Check with your administration representative if your family can qualify for a social mortgage.
Step 2
Find out the list of documents that need to be provided, the loan processing period, loan conditions, as well as the amount of the down payment or the necessary requirements to do without it.
Step 3
Gather a standard package of documents that are required to apply for a social loan. It is necessary to make a copy of the passport, insurance certificate, identification code, military ID, marriage or divorce certificate, birth certificate of the child. If there is a prenuptial agreement, then it must also be submitted. Obtain a certificate of income from the employer and ask to certify a copy of the work book. Make a copy of your education documents.
Step 4
Contact the bank that provides loans for the social program. Write an application and fill out a questionnaire on the form, which can be asked from the manager or downloaded from the credit institution's website. Submit all the necessary documents for consideration to the bank.
Step 5
Start looking for an apartment or house that meets the established standards for social mortgages. For example, his living space should be more than 18 sq.m. for each family member. Give the loan officer the documents for the selected housing and wait for the bank's decision.
Step 6
Remember that a social mortgage is designed for young families, youth, military personnel and families whose living space is less than 18 sq. M. for each family member. At the same time, credit conditions depend not only on the category to which the borrowed belongs, but also on the region of residence. It is necessary to clarify this information with the local administration.