Social mortgages are sometimes the only way for low-income families to get their own housing. Citizens who do not have their own living space or have no more than 14 square meters per family member can take advantage of this program.

It is necessary
- - a package of documents: application in the form No. 1; copies of identity documents of all family members; documents confirming the composition of the family; a copy of the marriage certificate or its dissolution; documents confirming the right to extraordinary housing and others;
- - concluded or executed mortgage agreement;
- - Selected housing / housing options that meet housing standards.
Step 1
If you and your family fall under the rule of an insufficient number of square meters per capita or a complete absence of such, when receiving a social mortgage, you will be compensated 50% of the actual costs incurred to pay off interest on a mortgage loan issued for the purchase of real estate. The loan as such is not reimbursed.
Step 2
Collect the necessary documents, their list is quite long. You can find a complete list of them and general information on social mortgages on the website of the Government of the Saratov Region. Go to the website, go to the "Government" section, then follow the chain "Structure of the Government of the Saratov Region" - "Ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities of the Saratov Region" - "Mortgage Lending". You will be redirected to a page containing information for citizens participating in the subprogram "Development of housing mortgage lending".
Step 3
Study this information carefully, the whole process of obtaining a social mortgage is described there in great detail. Take the collected package of documents to the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities at the address: Saratov, st. Chelyuskintsev, 114, office. No. 4. Inquiries by phone 8 (8452) 26-59-71. If you have any questions, you can always consult with a specialist of the ministry, and you will be given all the necessary explanations.
Step 4
Choose housing that will meet housing standards - for one person at least 14 square meters of total area. Remember that with the purchase of this home, you must improve your living conditions, otherwise your family will not receive social mortgage compensation.
Step 5
Enter into a mortgage lending agreement with the bank.
Step 6
The compensation process is as follows. In accordance with the concluded agreement on compensation for a part of the interest on a housing mortgage loan, as well as on the basis of information received from the credit institution about the payments made, the Ministry of Construction transfers the specified amount to the personal account of the participant of the "social mortgage".