In order for a hairdresser or a small beauty salon to be competitive, you need to strive from the very beginning to prove to customers and to yourself that your establishment really corresponds to the modern level of service. And the first thing that should become the guarantee of a high class of your hairdressing salon is a comfortable room, chosen wisely and with accurate calculation.

Step 1
Set the bottom bar for the size of the room you need to equip your barber shop. If the area needs to be rented, then the desire to save money on each square meter is quite natural, however, for a profitable hairdressing salon, at least the middle class, you need a spacious room in which the client and technical areas are clearly identified. Therefore, do not try to fit your establishment on twenty square meters, find a room for it at least two or two and a half times larger.
Step 2
Assess the state of equipping of a potential room for your future hairdressing salon. For a good establishment, uninterrupted water supply and hot water availability all year round are extremely important, so make inquiries in advance by talking with local residents or tenants of neighboring areas. Most often, hairdressing salons are located on the first floors of residential buildings, and the situation with utilities in them may differ, especially if you are looking for a more or less economical option.
Step 3
Give preference to the room that has an emergency exit - it is highly desirable to have a service entrance for personnel. In any hairdressing salon, there is a need to throw away garbage and various waste throughout the day; this should be done discreetly and away from the visitors waiting for their turn. The second entrance can be made later and by yourself, but this will require additional costs, for some buildings this possibility is excluded in principle, which must also be found out in advance.
Step 4
Learn all the legal intricacies of the procedure for transferring an area to a non-residential fund from a residential one. If you are going to purchase a premise on the first floor of a residential building, then you will have to transfer it to a non-residential fund, and this may cause a number of problems. Here you need both the complete loyalty of the tenants and the permission of several institutions - you need to find out about all the obstacles that may arise in your way even before the transaction is concluded.