Marketing Research: Stages, Results

Marketing Research: Stages, Results
Marketing Research: Stages, Results

In modern business, making management decisions on the production and sale of specialized products is no longer possible without processing thematic market information. It is precisely her search and collection, systematization and analysis that are the essence of marketing research that ensures the effective development of any commercial enterprise and is based solely on accurate and verified information.

Marketing research is the foundation of business management
Marketing research is the foundation of business management

Nowadays, marketing research is a scientifically based analysis of the consumer market. The dashing "nineties" have already passed, when the country's unstable business made its way, making decisions based on the Russian tradition of "maybe". Now, for its successful development, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures that pursue the following goals:

- collection of preliminary information, including its sorting and filtering, intended for subsequent analysis;

- data structuring to determine the nature of the problem and the operating factors;

- determining the relationship between the problem and the identified factors;

- modeling and testing of effective mechanisms for solving this problem;

- implementation of the market development forecast.

Thus, marketing research is a specific and systemic action aimed at solving a given task or problem. It is important to understand that these activities are carried out outside generally accepted standards and boundaries. In this case, everything depends on the resource and the needs of the enterprise itself.

Types of marketing research

Marketing research is divided into several types.

- Market research. It aims to determine the factors that influence its development. Geographic parameters and scale, volume and structure of supply and demand, and other significant characteristics are determined.

- Implementation study. In this context, geographic and social indicators, directions and focus of sales, and other important parameters are among the determining factors.

- Product analysis. Revealing purchasing power both in the context of the quality characteristics of the products themselves, and in comparison with the competitive environment.

Marketing research is the only way to a successful business
Marketing research is the only way to a successful business

- Research of economic results. Search for ways to increase profits in the context of the dynamics of sales volumes.

- Study of advertising policy. Determination of the latest marketing technologies aimed at the most profitable positioning of goods. Comparison of their promotional activities with similar actions in the competitive environment.

- Analysis of the consumer situation. The identification of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of consumers is carried out. Among other things, such characteristics as age, gender, specialty, marital status, nationality, etc. are determined.

Principles of conducting

Due to the fact that conducting marketing research is a rather important set of activities, on which the development of the entire business of an enterprise depends, many companies are engaged in this activity exclusively individually. This approach, of course, has its undeniable advantages in the form of minimizing costs and risks of confidential information leakage. However, it is important to take into account the negative consequences that will certainly be present in this case. After all, staff members engaged in marketing research in a commercial structure do not always have the appropriate qualifications and experience. In addition, such specialists often cannot make an objective analysis, since their profile imposes on them a completely obvious bias and one-sided approach.

Marketing is a modern way to success in any commercial structure
Marketing is a modern way to success in any commercial structure

In connection with the above reasons, attracting qualified personnel from third-party organizations looks the most promising. Such specialists are guaranteed to have the necessary set of required knowledge and experience, which fully contribute to the successful completion of the assignment. They are able, without undue bias and absolutely objectively, to carry out marketing research and give useful recommendations for the optimal future development of the business.

Of course, in order to benefit from outsourcing, it is necessary to ensure that confidential information is protected from competitors and that the project is paid decently. Another drawback that you will have to put up with is the possible ignorance of professional marketers with all the specifics of the industry.

To carry out high-quality marketing research, which is the key to the profitable activities of any commercial organization, it is necessary to adhere to the following principles:

- regularity, implying a fixed frequency and unconditional dependence on important management decisions in the field of production and sales of products;

- objectivity associated with the willingness to impartially and independently admit all their shortcomings and mistakes;

- Accuracy, based on extremely reliable sources of initial data for the implementation of research;

- consistency, based on clear regulations and procedures for the production of marketing analysis, consisting of an inextricable sequence of interdependent activities;

- economy, implying minimization of financial costs for conducting research;

- efficiency, allowing to resolve controversial issues in the shortest possible time;

- complexity, which makes it possible to answer the whole range of problematic questions directly related to the subject of research;

- thoroughness associated with the scrupulousness and attentiveness of studying all the nuances of the analysis and guaranteed to exclude repeated measures due to inaccuracies and errors.

Stages of implementation

In order to effectively carry out the necessary marketing research, implying a rather lengthy and laborious process, it is necessary to adhere to the following stages of their implementation:

- laconic and clear formulation of the problem to be solved in the analysis process;

- accurate planning, that is, the indication of individual items and the timing of their implementation;

- coordination of the goals and stages of marketing research with all heads of the enterprise involved in their implementation;

- obtaining initial data that are collected both inside a commercial enterprise and from the external environment;

Marketer is a demanded profession
Marketer is a demanded profession

- information analysis: structuring and processing;

- economic calculations carried out for the current situation and the subsequent prospect;

- drawing up a report on the work done in the form of summing up and clearly formulating answers to the questions asked.


Initial data for the production of marketing research are divided into primary and secondary. The first type of information relates directly to analytical work carried out as planned activities. Often marketing is limited to this.

Moreover, the results of the analysis are expressed in quantitative (numerical indicators reflecting a thematic assessment) and qualitative (descriptive methodology that explains the causes and mechanisms of action of various phenomena in the production and commercial work of an enterprise) characteristics.

It is impossible to build a modern business without marketing research
It is impossible to build a modern business without marketing research

Secondary data to the marketing research itself has an exclusively indirect relationship. Subject information is usually already available in the enterprise in the form of separate summaries and reports. It usually becomes necessary in the very process of analysis, and therefore its use is associated with minimal costs.

Therefore, experienced managers, before starting to obtain primary data, refer specifically to information from the category of "secondary information". In this case, you need to follow certain regulations.

First, it is necessary to establish accurate sources of information, both inside and outside the enterprise.

Secondly, the most relevant information is identified by sorting and analyzing the data obtained.

At the final stage, a report is formed, which indicates the specific conclusions obtained from the study.
