Getting to know the director of a company in person is one thing. To establish who exactly is the head of the enterprise of interest, that is, to get a surname, name and patronymic is another. Let's consider both options.

Step 1
Acquaintance with the manager Typically, such an acquaintance is required for those who are looking for contact with the leader of the company. This may be needed by sales managers of various enterprises who have this company in the list of potential buyers. Or related firms of the same market segment on any other organizational issues. Or maybe you want to get a job and decided to personally meet with the head of the company. Of course, this is true if the company is small. Be that as it may, the very first thing to do in all these and similar cases is to dial the number of the reception of the company you are interested in.
Step 2
The secretary or office manager will most likely pick up the phone. Say hello politely and say something like: “My name is Pyotr Ignatievich. I would like to speak with your manager regarding cooperation with my company. Can you please tell me when he will be there? Now at home? Perfectly! Please remind the name and patronymic of your manager. Well thank you. Yes, connect! . Then you will have the opportunity to meet the director of the company in person.
Step 3
Identify the Director Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to find out only the name of the director of the enterprise. For example, in the case when you are an employee of this company, the company was resold, and no one informs about the person of the new boss, while you have accumulated business questions for him. In this situation, you can apply as an employee of this enterprise to the registration department of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service), in which your request will be written to issue you an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities), where brief information about the company will be presented, including the director's data.