How To Open A Charity Account

How To Open A Charity Account
How To Open A Charity Account

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Charitable assistance is gratuitous assistance to people around, animals, the natural world who, for some reason, find themselves in a difficult situation. In order to provide charitable assistance, it is not at all necessary to open a charitable foundation or register a corresponding organization, it is enough just to open a bank account.

How to open a charity account
How to open a charity account


Step 1

It seems at first glance that it is not at all difficult to provide charitable assistance and, moreover, it is quite simple, you just need to have a desire to help and a little time. Contact the nearest bank branch.

Step 2

Contact the bank's consultant, and find out if this bank creates such accounts and who exactly you need to contact to open a charitable account, as well as get full information from him about what is required to open such an account.

Step 3

Take a sheet of A4 paper that you can ask the bank employees on site and a ballpoint pen.

Write an application addressed to the director of the bank in any form, indicating the purpose of opening such a charitable current account (treatment of a child, assistance to injured animals, assistance to the homeless, etc.), further purpose (use) of funds received from the account (payment for medical treatment, transfer to the animal protection fund, providing food and clothing to the homeless, etc.), as well as, indicating the required amount for collection (should be indicated in numbers and words), your details (passport details and personal relationship to the person or organization that needs help) and the period, to which a charitable account should be opened.

Step 4

Sign the application with your own hand and put the date of its submission for consideration and decryption of the signature.

Pass the application to the bank employee in the appropriate window.

Step 5

Sign an agreement with the bank to open a charitable account. To conclude such an agreement, you must have an identity document with you. After the agreement is concluded, the bank will provide you with a current account for use, to which the funds will be credited. You will find the current account number in the contract.

Step 6

The procedure for opening a personal account for a charitable purpose has been completed. Now you just have to contact the local tax authorities and provide information on opening a charity account, if the bank does not send such information on its own.
