In the event of a conflict situation with a bank employee and other reasons, a bank client, legal entity or individual, can write a request to the bank. Such a document does not have a unified form, but there are mandatory information that must be indicated in a letter to the bank.

It is necessary
bank details, details of the bank employee with whom the conflict occurred, identity document, organization documents, company seal, RF Civil Code, consumer protection law, computer, printer, A4 paper, pen
Step 1
A request to the bank must begin with its full name, the name of the organizational and legal form in accordance with the all-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms. If you are an individual or individual entrepreneur, write your last name, first name, patronymic in accordance with the identity document, the address of your place of residence (postal code, region, city, town, street, house number, building, apartment). If you are a legal entity, enter the name of your company in accordance with the constituent documents, the address of the location of the company, your contact phone number. The above information should be located in the upper right corner of an A4 sheet.
Step 2
After the name of the request, which should be in the middle of the document, state the essence of the conflict situation that occurred with the employee of this bank. Specify the exact date, time and address of the bank branch where the conflict arose. Write the last name, first name, patronymic and current position of the bank employee who violated your rights.
Step 3
Study the articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the law on consumer protection and banking activities related to the provisions on the behavior of bank employees with bank customers. Provide links to them and write to what extent the law was violated in relation to you. Write down what you want to achieve with this request.
Step 4
Referring to the legislation, indicate in this document what measures you will take if the bank refuses to execute your request or simply ignores it.
Step 5
Put your personal signature, if you are an individual, certify the document with the seal of the company and the signature of the head of the organization, if the request is made on behalf of a legal entity.
Step 6
Print the request in two copies, send one to the central office of the bank to which it is addressed, on the second ask the bank employee who accepts your letter of appeal to put the number, date and receipt note on it.
Step 7
If you do not have the opportunity to pay a personal visit to the central office of the bank and make a request, it is allowed to send this letter of appeal by mail to the address of its location. The postal worker will mark the receipt of the document, and you can defend your rights in case of legal proceedings.