Request for quotations is the placement of an order, during which an unlimited number of persons can view information about the needs for works, goods and services for the needs of the customer. Placing an order through a request for quotations is carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 94-FZ of July 21, 2005, in particular, the procedure for conducting the procedure is described in Part 1 of Article 45.

Step 1
Place on the official website of the company a notice of the request for quotations. This message must include the name of the customer, postal address and e-mail. Describe the funding source for the order.
Step 2
Indicate the name, quantity and characteristics of the goods supplied, work performed or services provided, as well as the requirements for technical and functional characteristics, safety measures and product quality.
Step 3
Indicate the place and time of delivery of goods, provision of services or performance of work. Mark the form of payment and details of what additional services, works or goods are included in the price of the object of the request for quotation. Draw up a quotation application form, which, if necessary, can be downloaded from the website in electronic form. Inform the timing of the submission of quotation bids.
Step 4
Receive and register coding requests in a specially formed journal. If applications were received after the end of the submission period, they are not considered and are returned to the participant on the same day. If for the entire period of placing the request for quotations, only one application was submitted, then the customer has the right to extend the period for submitting by four working days, notifying the participants about this on the official website of the company.
Step 5
Form a quotation commission. Review quotation bids and draw up a valuation report. Applications that do not meet the conditions of the notification and the requirements established by Article 44 of Law No. 94-FZ must be rejected without consideration. The evaluation protocol must be drawn up in two copies and signed by the members of the quotation commission.
Step 6
Within two days from the date of signing, hand over one copy of the protocol to the winner of the request for quotations. Place the protocol on the official website of the company so that all participants who have submitted applications can familiarize themselves with it and, if necessary, submit a request for clarification of the assessment of quotation bids.
Step 7
Conclude a contract with the winner of the request for quotations seven days from the date the protocol was posted on the official website and no later than twenty days from the date of its signing.