The banking services market is growing today at an extraordinary pace. Developing not only in the direction of expanding the offer, but also simplifying the functionality of services, the availability of technical means for performing a variety of operations. Transferring funds through a bank account, previously used only by accountants, has become a routine transaction for cardholders. And, of course, there are more erroneous enumerations, and the return mechanism is not known to everyone.

Step 1
Regardless of the status of the sender, be it a legal entity or an individual, try to start correcting the mistake as early as possible, without postponing the matter indefinitely. Until the traces of the funds transferred are confused, and the money itself has not yet been withdrawn from the recipient's account.
Step 2
First, find an error in your payment details. Since further actions will depend on the identification of the owner of the account to which the funds were transferred. Now in order. First of all, check the digits of the current account number, since this is where mistakes often occur. If the problem is in the account, then you can be sure that the bank will not miss such a payment and will return the money to you. That is, this is an option when all the details were filled in correctly, except for the current account. In the event of such a violation, the bank at one of the stages of payment verification will define this account as non-existent.
Step 3
The next common variant of an erroneous enumeration is the accidental filling of completely different details, which were also stored in the program to automatically fill in all the columns. For example, another partner (supplier of services, goods, etc.). Here you will need to urgently contact the account holder. It is pointless to contact the bank, it only transfers funds to the address you specified. Contact us immediately by phone and write an official letter asking for a refund of the erroneously transferred funds. This way you can get your money back quickly.
Step 4
For difficult cases. When the money was transferred to a company unknown to you (name coincidence, etc.), with which you cannot establish contact or you were denied a refund, you need to urgently prepare a lawsuit in court. The claim against the payee will be unjust enrichment. In this case, do not forget to draw up a separate application for the seizure of the account. This will be an interim measure to guarantee the delay of your funds in the specified account.