Opening a mini-business does not require large expenses; in addition, your mini-business, with proper development, can grow and start bringing in quite high profits. The main advantage of a small business is that you can just do what you like. In doing so, you will make a profit.

Step 1
Ideas for mini-businesses are literally in the air: newsagents, small home bakeries, ateliers, home kindergartens … Think about what you would like to do, about your hobbies. Surely such thoughts will give you several suitable ideas at once.
Step 2
Make a small business plan. It will help you figure out what steps and in what sequence to take for your endeavor. You can also calculate what investments are required for your business. It will be best if you draw up a business plan yourself, but you can download a ready-made one (for example, here: By seeing how business plans are drawn up, it will be easier for you to write your own
Step 3
In your business plan, pay special attention to how your mini-business will develop. Any business, even the smallest one, can, with good management, become larger and more profitable. Think a few steps ahead - about customer acquisition, expanding production, and hiring employees.
Step 4
By law, any business must be registered. If you open a mini-business, then you do not need a legal entity, the registration of which can take quite a lot of time and money, which is so necessary for an entrepreneur. Register with the tax office at your place of residence as an individual entrepreneur by paying a state fee of 800 rubles. For some types of business, you will have to take care of obtaining the necessary permits and licenses (if you are going to produce and sell food, etc.).
Step 5
At first, you can work in your own apartment. In it, if you are an individual entrepreneur, you have the right, for example, to open an atelier or bake cakes for sale. All you need to get started is to purchase the necessary materials or equipment.
Step 6
A mini-business, like any other business, also needs advertising. At first, just tell your friends about your endeavor. Surely they can become your first customers. Contextual advertising on the Internet is also considered inexpensive and effective. Finally, a bright sign can draw attention to you - for example, if you have opened a nail salon. The type of advertising will depend on the specifics of your mini-business.