A businessman does not need to be highly skilled and highly educated, as for some types of business you need to know very little. A simple business can be built on your own skills (hairdresser, make-up artist), hobby (tailoring to order) or long-known simple ideas (a store within walking distance).

It is necessary
your skills and abilities, contacts, Internet access
Step 1
If you are interested in the field of beauty, you can start a hairdresser or make-up artist business at no special cost. To do this, you will need to acquire an appropriate education, if you do not have one (as a rule, these are courses that last up to six months) and acquire all the necessary supplies, i.e. purchase cosmetics, perfumes, hair dryers, combs and scissors. You can start a business while still studying, practicing with friends for a small fee. Subsequently, they will be able to recommend you to their friends, and after a while you will have regular customers.
Step 2
Simple business also comes from a hobby. If you know how to sew, you can open a home tailor shop. Many people prefer to sew evening and formal clothes, rather than buy, in addition, there are events such as balls or role-playing games, visitors to which are unlikely to find a suit in the store. For them, you will be indispensable. All you need is a sewing machine and other sewing accessories. The material will be purchased by customers. You can advertise yourself through friends and forums of fans of balls, carnivals, role-playing games, etc.
Step 3
If you have always been the soul of the company and knew how to entertain guests, organizing festive events can be a profitable business for you. You can start by holding a few small events with people you know. Browse the tapes of famous holiday hosts, find a DJ to work with you. This business practically does not require expenses.
Step 4
You can also just use a business idea that will always be in demand, for example, open a small grocery store within walking distance. To do this, it will be enough to rent a small room in a conspicuous place and install a colorful sign, as well as find suppliers and purchase goods. Such shops practically do not need advertising, because they will always have clients - residents of neighboring houses. You need two salespeople to run the store.
Step 5
If you still want to open a business that is not as simple as a small store, but also not too complicated and risky for a beginner, you can buy a franchise from a well-known establishment. It can be a coffee shop, beauty salon, restaurant. Their advantage is that they are already well-known, so you don't have to work on attracting customers. You will need to look for the option that suits you on the websites of franchise stores, meet with a representative of the franchisor and negotiate the terms of purchase of the institution (as a rule, branded equipment will be transferred, trained personnel will be invited, contacts with suppliers will be established). You will be required to pay a certain percentage of the profits to the franchisor.