How To Organize A Business Without Investment

How To Organize A Business Without Investment
How To Organize A Business Without Investment

Table of contents:


If you have a computer, constant Internet access and a lot of free time, then you have the opportunity to organize an information business without any initial investment. However, this requires some specialized knowledge, which you can master if desired.

How to organize a business without investment
How to organize a business without investment

It is necessary

  • - a computer;
  • - the Internet;
  • - headphones;
  • - microphone;
  • - disks.


Step 1

Write down your business idea in detail on a piece of paper. Think carefully about what you can offer the market on the web. Analyze the search queries in Yandex and make sure that you will satisfy the needs of many people. The most profitable niches for starting a business online are: money, relationships, sex, beauty and health. Products in these areas will always be in demand, despite the competition.

Step 2

Start collecting valuable material on the Internet. Even if you do not have experience in the area in which you want to make a product, then you can start learning this issue. Just find and read useful material on the topic of the product. Practice in the area of your choice (for example, exercise and write down the results), collect the material in one folder and recommend the techniques to your friends. It is important that your penalties are of practical use to people.

Step 3

Create a series of tutorial videos on the topic. Once you are sure that your methodology works, and you have collected all the necessary material, start organizing it. Describe a plan for creating presentations and training videos. To do this, you need Microsoft PowerPoint and Camtasia Studio. You can download these programs for free from the official sites.

Step 4

Write all the information to disk. Now that you have the training material on hand, you can package it up. Remember that most of the sales on the network are made by cash on delivery, that is, sent by mail. Make the first batch of discs with your video tutorials. You will need the Nero software to burn the lessons to disc.

Step 5

Create a selling website describing your information product. Register for the "Free Website Builder". Come up with a name for your resource. It should match the name of the product or niche in which you do business. Next, tell us in detail about your training course, following the diagram of the selling text. You can find out about it on the website

Step 6

Start advertising this site on all the expanses of the Internet. Do it on thematic blogs, forums, social networks, mailing lists of other authors. But never use SPAM or other illegal methods of product promotion. You will soon receive your first profit. If you start investing in website advertising and buying a paid hosting / domain, you will be able to organize larger sales.
