Due to the crisis, many families who have taken out a loan from a bank cannot pay off on it. There is still no draft law on bankruptcy of individuals. It is under development. If it is impossible to pay off debts starting from 50 thousand rubles, regardless of where this debt was taken, submit documents to the arbitration court.

Step 1
It is necessary to submit evidence to the court for what reason you were unable to pay debts. Moreover, the evidence must be weighty. The fact that you lost your job of your own free will is not suitable for the evidence base. A document about your reduction, about the closure of a company or a significant decrease in wages at your company will do.
Step 2
The arbitral tribunal will appoint a liquidator. The manager starts working with you. If it turns out that you can still pay off your debts, then a debt restructuring plan is proposed. When the court and creditors accept the restructuring plan, you are given 5 years to pay these debts.
Step 3
If it is impossible to pay debts, you will be declared bankrupt and will make an inventory of all your property and its sale. They'll take everything. They do not have the right to take housing if it is your only living space, and 25 thousand rubles if you have them. They will also leave your personal belongings. All luxury items will have to say goodbye. They will take away a garage, a car, a summer cottage, all computers, radio and video equipment, televisions, furniture, items that were purchased with borrowed money.
Step 4
You can declare yourself bankrupt no more than 1 time in 5 years. You will be blacklisted. No bank will ever give you more credit.
Step 5
You will have to pay for the arbitration court out of your own pocket. Moreover, the amount will be rather big.