In accordance with Russian legislation, each legal entity or individual, an individual entrepreneur has the right to open an unlimited number of current accounts to store free funds and make settlements. The relationship between the bank and the client is governed by an agreement for settlement and cash services.

Step 1
In order to open an account, choose the bank that suits you best. The selection criteria for a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur can be the cost of opening an account, payment for its maintenance, the availability of the Bank-Client service, the speed of its connection and payment for it, the proximity of the bank to the office of the company, the availability of special programs for clients, for example, “Salary project or concessional lending.
Step 2
As a rule, all banks require the same documents to open an account from a legal entity, but in some credit institutions additional papers may be requested from you. To open an account in any Russian bank, you will need constituent documents:
- a copy of the charter, - a copy of the registration certificate from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or from USRIP, - a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax inspectorate of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, - a letter on the assignment of statistics codes.
In addition, you will be required to submit an order on the appointment of a director and a copy of the protocol on his election, a copy of the order on the appointment of a chief accountant, bank cards with samples of signatures of the head and chief accountant. All of these documents must be notarized.
Step 3
Conclude an agreement for settlement and cash services indicating the number of the current account. Do not forget that after opening an account, you must inform the tax office within 7 days. Otherwise, you face a fine of 5,000 rubles or more.
Step 4
If you are going to open an account as an individual, then the procedure is somewhat simpler in this case. To do this, contact the contribution. If you want to deposit a large amount of money into it, then pay attention to savings accounts. They are more profitable, but they limit the withdrawal of funds until the end of the bank deposit agreement. If you need an account for constant receipts and withdrawals of money, then open a deposit "On demand". It allows you to carry out debit and credit transactions without restrictions.
Step 5
As soon as you decide on the type of deposit, the clerk will prepare an agreement. Please read it carefully before signing. Pay attention to all the conditions, because they will determine your relationship with the bank.