Apartment insurance allows you to protect the well-being of the family and protect yourself from unforeseen situations. The number of insured events includes fires and hurricanes, floods, theft. Of course, insurance will not be able to protect you from all these troubles, but it will compensate for losses.

Insurance objects and risks
Today it is possible to insure an apartment, country and dwelling houses, outbuildings, fences, gates. The only difference is the degree of risks to which each object is exposed. For example, in the case of apartments, the main risk factor is flooding, while in a country house it is theft.
According to the standards of insurers, apartments are divided into 4 parts: interior decoration, technical and engineering equipment, household property (electrical appliances, musical instruments, sports equipment, etc.). You can insure all the elements, or each separately.
The standard set of insurance risks includes fire, gas explosion, lightning strike, falling aircraft. Also, in addition to those listed, insurance may apply to the actions of third parties (illegal and reckless), gulf, natural disaster.
According to Rosgosstrakh estimates, the most common risks covered by insurance are flooding, theft, and fires.
How much does the insurance policy cost
The cost of insurance depends on the type of the chosen program: classic or express insurance. In the first case, the cost of the policy is calculated on an individual basis based on the risks and cost of objects.
It is impossible to say exactly how much an insurance policy costs. Each company has its own methodology for determining insurance rates, they are calculated on an individual basis and can vary within 5-10%. The estimated cost of the insurance policy can be calculated using the standard formula insured amount * insurance rate. The basic rate for insuring an apartment with fit-out and utilities is about 0.5% of the insured amount, household property - 0.9%.
Before taking out insurance, an assessment of property and decoration of premises is carried out. It is made on the basis of payment documents, which are presented by the owner, and according to the data of the appraisers. At the same time, property depreciation is always taken into account, which reduces its value.
If there are no payment documents, the cost of an apartment is determined based on the average cost per square meter in houses of this type multiplied by the area of the apartment. The cost of finishing the premises is determined as the cost per square meter of finishing, taking into account the quality of work. The cost of furniture and household appliances is determined by the price of analogs, taking into account the year of their purchase.
The second type of insurance is express programs, which involve a unified set of risks and compensation amounts. The advantage of such insurance is that there is no need for an inventory of property and collection of all payment documents. But at the same time, the insurance premium will not depend on the characteristics of the apartment.
On average, the cost of an express policy is 400-500 rubles, the amount of insurance is about 100-200 thousand rubles.
How to get an insurance policy
To conclude an insurance contract, you must choose an insurance company and contact its branch. Often insurance companies offer to carry out the conclusion of the contract at home. It is advisable to preliminarily clarify the details of the conclusion of the contract and the list of necessary documents by phone.
As a rule, the list of requested documents includes a passport, documents of title to real estate (for example, a certificate of ownership of an apartment), as well as payment documents.