What Are The Benefits For Non-working Pregnant Women?

What Are The Benefits For Non-working Pregnant Women?
What Are The Benefits For Non-working Pregnant Women?

The birth of a child is always associated with significant financial costs. Therefore, many expectant mothers, including the unemployed, are interested in the issue of benefits and payments from the state they are entitled to.

Benefits to the unemployed
Benefits to the unemployed

Maternity allowances for unemployed women are not allowed, since they serve as compensation for the average earnings for the period of incapacity for work. They are paid only to employed pregnant women. Moreover, two conditions must be met. A woman must be officially employed (under an employment contract), and the employer is obliged to make insurance contributions for her to the FSS. Accordingly, women with "gray" wages are also unable to issue maternity wages. As well as those who work under a contract: according to the law, it is not necessary to pay insurance premiums for them, so few employers do it.

But some pregnant women can get maternity even if they are unemployed. These are the following categories of women:

  • female students;
  • who were laid off during pregnancy, or dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise;
  • who closed the SP.

Those who quit on their own are not entitled to benefits. Maternity payments to the unemployed have a fixed amount: they are transferred in the amount of 543.67 rubles. monthly. For registration of maternity, a pregnant woman must contact the accounting department of the university, or the USZN.

Unemployed pregnant women also cannot receive 543, 67 rubles. for early registration at the Women's Clinic and child allowance up to 3 years (in the amount of 50 rubles).

After the birth of a child, unemployed women can apply for:

  • lump-sum federal payment - 15, 29 thousand rubles. in 2016;
  • child allowance up to 18 months - 2, 72 thousand rubles. in 2015 for the first child, twice the amount for the second, third child, etc.

Regardless of the status of employment, a woman can receive maternity capital if she has a second child (it will be 453 thousand rubles in 2016).
