In recent years, the word “monitoring” has become firmly established in the Russian language. In the minds of a modern person, this concept is usually associated with such areas as economics, management and sociology. Although the scope of its application is much wider.

Step 1
The word "monitoring" came to the Russian language from English (monitoring), and initially monitor in Latin meant "reminding, warning". Monitoring is the constant or regular observation of an object or process for the purpose of evaluating, comparing and predicting. This activity is applied everywhere, in various fields, both in science and in the field of management. There is a systematic diagnosis of the situation using a clear system of indicators, evaluation criteria.
Step 2
There is monitoring of the environment in order to protect it and control the impact of economic activities on nature. Initially, monitoring appeared in soil science, ecology, and then it spread to other areas of practical activity. Observations of the dynamics of the state of the environment are carried out in order to take measures to minimize or eliminate them when negative changes are detected. Environmental monitoring includes bioecological, biosphere, natural-economic (geosystem), litomonitoring. The process includes, in addition to observations, generalization and processing of data, drawing up conclusions and forecasts. Observations are made from land and sea stations, using photographs, images from space, etc. Environmental monitoring systems are in place in many countries.
Step 3
In sociology, monitoring monitors changes in society, studies socio-political phenomena, and makes forecasts. In psychology, psychological and pedagogical monitoring is used, its purpose is to control the pedagogical influence on the comprehensive development of the child and prevent unfavorable factors. In medicine, the overall impact of the environment on human health is monitored. In the sphere of production and economy, monitoring is also important. In construction, this is the control and monitoring of the construction of a building and its condition, the condition of the soil and surrounding buildings. At the same time, special equipment is used, which makes it possible to identify possible negative trends and take measures to correct them at the initial stage.
Step 4
Monitoring is widely used in modern business, in particular, to monitor the market situation and competition. For this, the actions of competitors in the media are monitored: the offer of products, their advertising, customer reviews of products on the Internet. In the days when information is distributed instantly, market players simply need to record and use it in a timely manner.