If you have a business plan, but there is no money to implement the idea, the state will help you. The most important thing is to correctly describe and think over your business plan well. How can you get start-up capital for starting a business from the state?

Step 1
Register with the employment center. After 10 days, you are recognized as unemployed. When you have the status of unemployed, tell the dispatcher of the employment service that you want to start your own business.
Step 2
Now you need to write a competent business plan. This is where you have to think carefully. The state won't give money just like that. Your project must solve some social problem. First of all, business plans are considered that describe the production or provision of services to the population. If additional jobs are created, this is also a big plus. It is especially important to show that your services will be used by people with below average incomes.
Step 3
Calculate every penny that goes where. It is best to involve an experienced accountant who will calculate all contributions to budgetary and non-budgetary funds. The amount that the employment center will give out will need to be delivered to the parish.
Step 4
Calculate the salary of your employees. Do not think that the state will attract wages below the subsistence level. The goal of supporting entrepreneurship is to improve the quality of life and create new jobs with decent wages.
Step 5
After you submit your business plan for review, you will be invited to take tests. The tests are designed in such a way that it is hardly possible to deceive the testers, therefore, it is better to answer sincerely. The test is needed in order to determine if you have a business acumen and can be trusted to conduct business like you.
Step 6
Now the protection of the business plan. You must prove to the commission that your business will benefit the city in which you live and that your business will not be unprofitable. In some cities, the future entrepreneur himself does not defend the business plan. He is simply given a decision - to approve or reject.
Step 7
When the business plan is approved, you go through the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The receipt that will be given to you in the tax office for payment of the state duty - copy it and keep a copy for yourself. Give the original to the tax office.
Step 8
In about a week, you will have a certificate of opening a company in your hands. Go immediately to order a seal. You need to take a certificate of state registration and TIN with you. Save your order receipt.
Step 9
Having received the seal and documents on the opening in your hands, go to the employment center to sign the contract. Give back all the checks, the money you spent on registration and the print order will be returned to you. Only what you paid at the notary will not be returned.
Step 10
The contract is signed. To accept workers - you need to leave an application for the vacancy that you need. In order to receive a subsidy, you must not just hire a person from the street, but take a person who is recognized as unemployed.
Step 11
The money will be transferred to a bank account within 10 days.